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Jerry Brightman

Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 7:20 am    
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Well, as usual, the Dallas show came and went way too fast...There never seems to be
enough time to get around and spend time with old and new friends.

I'd like to thank Louie Halford for his time
and energy before and during the
show...There just wasn't anything that could
have been any better in my opinion...

Getting to visit with Chuck Norris and Albert Talley is always something I look forward to..especially considering Albert's past year he has had...I finally got to have dinner with my buddy, Herb Steiner... I'm still laughing...Listening to Herb and Johnny Bush anbd exchanging war stories was a real hoot...

Thanks to Roy Rosseta, still don't know how Barbara puts up with him , Ben Brogdan, Donny Curtis, Leland Green, Rob Parker (Sentor) and I wished I could remember the fiddle player's name, for providing the great backup during my set. Danny did a great job on the sound this year.

Thanks to Mike Brown and Peavey, and if you get a chance to try the new Nashville 100, do it...I wanted to use one on my set, and just didn't get it setup in time to do bad

Little Austin just killed me...He don't say a whole lot, in fact, nothing at all, but he certainly does when he puts those picks on the strings...He gives this instrument a view of our future and it looks like it's gonna be in good hands...

As most of you attending the show saw, I would also like to thank Charlie Stepp for providing the new guitar...When he told me he had a white guitar he wanted me to see, I wasn't real excited about it..but when I saw it up close, and after getting to play it on stage, (still wished I had more then 30 minutes on it before I played it)it became the newest member of the Brightman household...I'll post some pictures on the website in the next few days...

Mike Smith performed a killer set, and I hope everyone understood what that man had just done on stage...It was different, and certainly an eye opening experience to set and watch him do his thing live with flawless execution...All I can say is "wow". Thanks to John Arnold for posting the pictures...It was great seeing Jim Smith, Kurt Schomacher, Scotty, Charlie Norris, Dr. Wayne, for the great meal, Bobby Bowman, Bert Rivera, Junior Knight, Jim Cohen, Dana Flood, Buck Grantham, Chuck Lettes, Gord and Marie Thompson, Jerry Roller, Bill Stafford, Dick and Merle, Larry Petree, Jerry Fessenden, Smiley, Russ and Laney Hicks, and so many others I get to see in Dallas...

Lastly, thanks to all the fans that said so many kind things to me during the show...

I love you all,


[This message was edited by Jerry Brightman on 10 March 2003 at 07:55 AM.]

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Chuck S. Lettes

Denver, Colorado
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 7:39 am    
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Hey Jerry,
I sure enjoyed getting to talk with you. I love your vision of the steel guitar, and I know that you can take this instrument into many new directions. Your set was one of the many high points for me, and I hope to hear you again at some of the future steel guitar shows.
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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 12:01 pm    
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Jerry, We enjoyed your set. Hope to hear you again next year. Thanks for the nice things you said about Austin here and at the show while you were talking to me. We are very proud of him and hope that he will keep playing. Hope you had a safe trip home.
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Louie Hallford


denison tx
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 7:14 pm    
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Jerry,so glad for your great contribution to the success of the show. It has been a treat to have gotton to know you so well because of the show. How many times could we say that in regards to all the super people we have met because of steel guitar and the steel guitar shows. Keep picking man,You are definitely "Back".
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Buck Grantham R.I.P.

Denham Springs, LA. USA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 8:21 pm    
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That's what makes you a super person Jerry. I feel like I've known you forty years. Love your playing ,, love your personality. So pleased that you are back in our steel world.
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Jerry Brightman

Post  Posted 10 Mar 2003 8:42 pm    
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Chuck, Donna, Louie, and Buck,

Thanks so much for your kind words and I hope to be a continued part of this fine event.

I guess this is as good as any place to share a quick show story. Right after my set, a young man came up to the stage, hair combed, clean and pressed shirt, and was ready to carry my steel off stage and made no bones about the fact that was his assigned job...I was puzzled at first, but then I saw his name tag. His name was Austin...I hope that I am able to carry his steel for him some day, as he is the future of this instrument...I just wished he'd say something from time to time

My best again,


[This message was edited by Jerry Brightman on 10 March 2003 at 08:44 PM.]

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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 11 Mar 2003 5:59 am    
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Austin's Papa (Jerry) had the job of equipment man and Austin loves to help. We are afraid that someone will not want him helping since he is just a kid, but so far no one has minded. He usually takes care with the stuff. It sure makes the setup time better if there is someone to help set up and tare down. Thanks for all the kind words.

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Richard E. Lee


Macedon, NY, USA
Post  Posted 11 Mar 2003 3:50 pm    
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I just wanted to sneak in here and put my "two cents worth" in about the show.
A am a "first timer", and I won't be a "last timer"..You guys in Texas sure know how to put on a show. Louie, and all the people behind the scenes; and the spectacular aray of talent that performed, just blew us away. Thanks to one and all for all your hard work, and personal sacrifices.
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