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Mike McGee

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 10:35 pm
by Jason Spell
I'm not sure if this is the proper place for this, but I must comment on Mike McGee.

He is local to me, and he and I have done some transactions through Craigslist recently. I just found out he's a member of the SGF. I want to drop a line of confidence on his behalf - he's a great guy, very trustworthy, so anyone wanting to do business with him will not be disappointed.

I don't know if this will mean a lot from a new guy with 3 posts to his name, but I figured you all should know about a good guy in your midst.

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 4:37 am
by Hook Moore
Mike is both a fine gentleman and a really good musician as well..

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 5:36 am
by Fred Justice
Oh we know about this guy Jason. That worthless no good no talent low down bum from Everton MO.
********Just kidding of course********
Mike is like a brother to me and he knows it.
He's a super picker on most any instrument you put him on. A top notch recording engineer, and a good christian man as well.
Mike and Mary have welcomed me into their home many times.
yes, Mike McGee is THE MAN in my book!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Mike, if you read this, hurry up and get that ten bucks to me cause I owe Ray Q. for bragging on me. :lol: :lol:

mike mcgee

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 7:07 am
by Pete Walthall
mike mcgee is the finest person you will ever meet and no better picker i have seen mike help players for hours on a simple lick when he could be playing for his self it is a honer to have him for a friend take care pete

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 8:40 am
by Roy Rosetta
Mike McGee.....a great musician but more so, a great person whom I'm proud to call my friend. Let me second every bit of Fred Justice's second paragraph. My only conplaint is that I don't get to work with Mike as much as I'd like to. If any of you are in the same room with Mike someday, do yourself a favor, and introduce yourself to him then you'll know what we mean.
Best Wishes Mike,

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 11:50 am
by Bill Dobkins
AH, I guess he's OK. :eek:

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 9:01 pm
by Keith Hilton
Mike is one of the greatest steel players ever.

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 10:43 pm
by ray qualls
Gotta put in my $.02 cents worth on my good buddy! Don't come no better than Mike. Great player, great person and great family man and Christian. Total package all the way! Love ya My Friend. Ray

Posted: 13 Feb 2010 8:23 am
by Eddie Lane
I have known Mike for many many years and I respect him as a person and as a player. He is one of those people that digs deep into a song and pulls out some chord voicings that will get your attention. I consider him one of my buddies.


Posted: 13 Feb 2010 2:50 pm
by Michael McGee
The Rest Of The Story...

Jason had, for the last few years, the great honor of being the caretaker of an incredible work of ART! I have had a long-time lustful desire to possess one of these. Just recently, Jason allowed me to purchase a caretaker's license from him, and now I get to take care of this particularly beautiful item for awhile.



But whatever value this item might have in dollars, it is worthless compared to the incomparable value of the friendships I cherish with all of these posters. My sincere thanks and love to all of you.

May God bless you.


Posted: 13 Feb 2010 9:53 pm
by Bill Dobkins
I have to tell this about Mike. Last year at Baxter Springs, I talked to Mike about doing my show on Nov 1st. He said he had been gone so much and had promised his dad to help him in the Hay. That did my heart so good to know that family was that important to him. I know He would have made it if he could. Good for you Mike.

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 6:12 pm
by Jim Means
I have known Mike for about 30 years having met him through his cousin that I use to play bass for. He helped me get started on this 3 decade quest to learn the most beautiful instrument in the world. He is a person who doesn't seem to have any limits in either his playing or his love for people. This is only meant as a real appreciation for a friend that I don't get to see often enough.

Jim Means

Posted: 14 Feb 2010 9:01 pm
by Reggie Duncan
IMHO, Mike is a top shelf picker and more importantly a top shelf person!