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Author Topic:  Can I ask a TV question?
Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2010 4:22 am    
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Some of you guys are quite versed, so I will pose my question. I have an older TV that someone gave me and I just stored it. My son needed one and took it. He said the set works fine but it makes a crackling sound even when it's turned off. I was thinking leaking flyback transformer or cond. It has a removeable power cord and he said the ground was broken off on the set but I don't think this is related to the problem. He unplugs it when not using it but is worried. What are your thought?

thanks, Ron
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Blake Hawkins

Post  Posted 12 Feb 2010 10:14 pm    
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If it makes noises when "Off" or when disconnected
from the wall socket, I'd throw it away and just
buy a new one.
The way TV sets are made today when you turn it OFF
it is not really OFF. There are standby circuits
in there which are always on. These allow the use
of the remote control and a quick power up.
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 13 Feb 2010 8:37 am    
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Ron, I suggest you tell him to leave it unplugged and don't use it until he can either, get it to a repair shop (which could be too costly for what the set's worth), or just replace it. That sound indicates to me that there is a serious problem inside and it could be a fire hazard. Electronics in good shape don't crackle.

As Blake mentioned, most electronics nowadays don't turn off completely when using the on/off switch. They remain in a standby mode. In other words, it's still on and the power supply is still partially active.
Best regards,
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