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Author Topic:  DirectTv and something like youtube?
Sherman Willden

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2010 10:23 am    
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Has anyone such as Mickey Adams or others approached DirectTv to have their videos and/or instruction put on one of their channels? I just had DirectTv installed and of course it came with the Country and the Western channels as well as RFD. When I try to play youtube or even downloaded wmv or mpg files my computer locks up. I have a 533 MHz X86 with 247MB of memory. I have Windows XP Home. If I could get YouTube or something similar on a DirectTV channel I could play along. Of course I am trying my best with the two 60s Country channels and RFD.

Thanks in advance;

Sherman L. Willden
It is easy to play the steel guitar. Playing so that the audience finds it pleasing is the difficult act.
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