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Posted: 1 Feb 2010 8:09 pm
by Tharon Caraway
New website all about Lloyd Maines. Everyone check it out and let me know what you think.

T.G. Caraway
Austin, Texas

Posted: 2 Feb 2010 4:47 am
by Hook Moore
Worked very well and very user friendly on my browser.Nice job,,,,

Web Site

Posted: 2 Feb 2010 2:45 pm
by Larry Hendrickson
Site worked fine on my computer. LH

Posted: 2 Feb 2010 5:40 pm
by Eli Hall
Looked pretty darn good on mine. Lloyd is an awesome player and I really like the work he's done with Joe Ely and all those great legendary Texas singer/songwriters...Very nice site!

Lloyd Maines

Posted: 3 Feb 2010 10:51 am
by Eddie Harper
Great looking website Tharan. I was able to open the sound file at the bottom of the page when I first opened the web site, but am unable to play it again. Sounded so good the first time I wanted to hear it again, but unable to now....Eddie


Posted: 3 Feb 2010 2:52 pm
by Tharon Caraway
Thanks Eddie and all of you for the feedback. If you are on windows they are some glitches. Working on them now. But seems to work fine on Safari and Firefox. Plan on putting up different audio ride every month.

Posted: 3 Feb 2010 3:58 pm
by Drew Howard

< > A B C < >
F# +G/G#
Eb -D/C#
G# +A -Eb
E +F# +F/F#
B +C# +C#
G# +A
F# +G/G#
E -F -Eb
D -D#
B +C# -A


Posted: 3 Feb 2010 4:48 pm
by Tharon Caraway
Thanks Drew,
Lloyd just sent me what I have on the Website. He is getting a new Mullen built right now and that is what he sent Del. I will slip that in later on. I will give you credit for it if you want me to. Let me know.

Posted: 4 Feb 2010 5:35 am
by Drew Howard
No need, Tharon, I just took your info and spit out the copedent to help me visualize. Looks interesting. I've seen Lloyd a couple times with Terri.

Posted: 4 Feb 2010 4:30 pm
by Shane Glover
Hi Tharon

I tried the site & I think it is great. I thought you might want to let some one know. I used the links you provided to go to The Maines Bro. myspace site. While there some very strange music started playing. I am pretty sure it was not what they had in mind to be played. It looked like no one has logged in for a long time so I assume no one knows the site has a problem. Hope that helps !


MBB Myspace Site

Posted: 4 Feb 2010 5:28 pm
by Tharon Caraway
There is some player in the comments section of the myspace site. You can go down and cut it off and then listen to their music. I will try and let someone know to delete the comments.
T.G. Caraway

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 12:56 pm
by Bo Borland
I like the steel, dobro, and expecially the production work Lloyd did on the Angel Band cd with Dave Bromberg and his wife Nancy.. I hear he is doing their new cd too!!