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New member in Maryland

Posted: 8 Jan 2003 7:24 am
by Dave Krute
My name is Dave Krute. I live in Poolesville Maryland. I am back at my steel after about a ten year break. The forum is great I'm glad I joined. Bought a double neck Carter recently. I love it.

Posted: 8 Jan 2003 10:39 am
by Joseph V. Sapp
Hi Dave:
dont know where "poolsville" md. is but I'm just above Hagerstown, right off I-81. lots of nice people here and a real wealth of information. hope you enjoy. God Bless


Derby SD-10 4X5 Nashville 400 Fender twin
Lexicon MPX 100 Profex ll (other secret toys)

Posted: 8 Jan 2003 6:40 pm
by Al Miller

David ! '
Welcome to the greatest place on earth for steel guitar info . we had a jam in laural Md this past Dec I guess you didnt hear about it Image but we are having one again next yr and look forward to seeing a new face . I live on the eastern shore of md if you wanna get together e-mail me and we can see if we can make it happen.

Posted: 8 Jan 2003 9:53 pm
by Bobby Bowman
Boo,,,,,I didn't know that Maryland had a "west coast",,,,,well, at least a "real" west coast. Image!
BTW, welcome aboard David.

If you play 'em, play 'em good!
If you build 'em, build 'em good!

Posted: 9 Jan 2003 9:13 am
by Al Miller

The bumper stickers around here say "welcome to the Eastern shore now go home Image"

Posted: 9 Jan 2003 1:10 pm
by Roy Ayres
Glad to have another "Yankee" on board to offset some of us "Southern Rednecks."

Posted: 10 Jan 2003 3:41 am
by Ray Walker
Welcome David... Looking forward to meeting with you some day. Lots of steelers around you so look em up and have fun with em. If ya got a question and need an answer about the steel chances are you are gonna find it here on the forum. If you want an opinion.....well... I promise you will find that too(hehe).


Posted: 10 Jan 2003 5:27 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Welcome to this Great Forum David Image
this place is where it's at, so don't be shy
and jump on in !

Steel what?

Posted: 14 Jan 2003 6:44 pm
by Donny Hinson
Welcome Dave! Being from near Pa., do you know Brad Waldemeyer? (Just curious.) Sorry you missed the December JamBOOree, put on by Al (Boo) Miller...looking forward to seeing you at the next one, though! Image

Posted: 21 Jan 2003 2:42 pm
by Tom Kaufman
Hello David. A little late in replying to this message. My Name is Tom Kaufman..and I'm from a town over here on the eastern shore of Maryland called Denton! Not too terribley far away from Boo Miller's part of the world. It's good to have another Marylander aboard! I think that you'll find (as has already been pointed out) that this is a great place to encounter other steel players and musicians in general. And a lot of information is shared here! If all goes well (and if there is indeed, another steel jam in the coming year, I plan on being there. So maybe we'll run into each other there. By the way, Boo, what's the status on acquiring any video or audio from this past December's jam? Again..welcom, David. Everyone take care!
Tom Kaufman

Posted: 21 Jan 2003 4:37 pm
by Bob Carlson
Welcome David:
You started off all wrong though. Instead of saying you had a double neck Carter, you should have said you had a D-10 Carter 8 & 5. Don't that sound cool.

Just joking around. You're going to have a good time and I'm sure we'll enjoy your input.


Posted: 21 Jan 2003 4:52 pm
by John Hawkins
David ,

You will really like this place!Learn, ask questions, get answers from some of the best players and generaly have fun . Just ask !!

Welcome !!
