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My gig tonight is CANCELLED. !!!!!!!!

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 2:38 am
by David Hartley
Amarillo country music duo were appearing at North Walsham Community Centre tonight but has been cancelled due to severe weather conditions. In fact the only Norfolk gig that IS on is the Stallion in Norwich I just heard on the radio. I know there was someone making the trip to see my duo tonight from somewhere. I hope he gets to find out it's cancelled.

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 3:29 am
by Johan Jansen
Mine too:)
People afraid to leave to house for a nice concert.
Time for a warm Chocolatmilk with rum :)

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 5:31 am
by Bob Farlow
So much for global warming.Right? 13 degrees here now. Coldest it's been here in a very long while.

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 5:32 am
by Jack Stoner
It's even cold in the Tampa Florida area. We have had some very light sleet overnight. It will be gone by noon, but it's rare in this area of Florida.

Many outdoor activites have been cancelled due to the cold weather as we are not equipped to handle this much cold weather. The current temperature is 0 celsius.

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 5:48 am
by Johan Jansen
I'm not that afraid of snow, in this area uphere. It's just the problem that people aren't used to it uphere and all the radiotalk is frightening people to go out......

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 6:24 am
by Tonu Timm
You can serve up for your listeners some warm Chocolatmilk with rum and they sure will come.

Posted: 9 Jan 2010 6:43 am
by Joe Casey
My pool is 80 degrees but the air temp is about 35 right about now.So even tho its only a 20 feet from the door it would feel like 20 miles getting to and from. :lol: .I think its safe to say the Beaches will have plenty of parking spaces for our snow bird friends this weekend... :lol:

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 11:56 am
by Paddy Long
Not surprisingly the weather is fantastic down under !! stinking hot and the beaches are full ..... your all welcome at my house if you can find an airport that's not snowed in !!! :D

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 8:09 am
by Roger Williamson
I think I can top everyone for weather related gig stories. My gig last weekend was in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. The temp was minus 33C when we arrived. My cable box was in the trailer..first time they weren't tangled...because they were frozen solid. New Zealand sounds nice this time of year.

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 9:37 am
by Jerry Hayes
We did out 1st performance for the "Stand By Your Man" show last night and have two scheduled for today. The matinee today is at 2:00 and it's 1:37 PM right now and it's snowing here in Virginia Beach but it's wet stuff so it probably won't stick. We're still on for this afternoon but the evening performance might be cancelled, I hope not as this is a fun gig.....JH in Va.

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 10:18 am
by Roger Rettig
Well - how was the first show, Jerry? Looking forward to hearing more!

Beach Time Here In Ft Lauderdale

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 1:42 pm
by Kenneth Kotsay
Dave, just to let you know it's about 80, the palm trees are swinging, the ocean is a warm 78, sun tan two legged beauties strolling by and no need for all that snow clothen here in sunny Ft Lauderdale, and yes tomorrow is the SUPER BOWL just 7 miles form my house.

Also tomorrow is Blue-Grass sunday in Miami, in shorts of course & T-shirts.


Posted: 6 Feb 2010 2:09 pm
by Roger Rettig
Yes - it got a bit too warm out on the golf-course this morning, but we survived.

Posted: 6 Feb 2010 11:33 pm
by Chris LeDrew
David, You're getting what we just got here in Atlantic Canada. Last night we lost a nice gig due to this snow storm. Sorry to hear it's coming your way! :whoa: