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Author Topic:  Open up that bottom end of the E9th
Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jan 2010 9:31 am    
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New idea..maybe..probably other people thought about this but I just checked a list of E9th pedals setups and no one seems to have it....I could have missed it. What I am talking about is, is lowering the 10th string on the E9th tuning, lowering it from B to A with the C pedal. Now with the B&C pedal and the RR knee lever that lowers the 9th string from D to C# and also lowers the second string Eb to C# we would have an A6th chord across the entire 10 strings: from bottom to top, they would be A-C#-E-F#-A-C#-F#-A-C#-F#. All it would require is an extra rod and bell crank. For people that do not use the C pedal much they could just remove the 4th string pull and move it down to the 10th string lower. Any which way, it seems to me that this would open up the bottom end of the E9th tuning. It almost seems too easy, so I must be missing something....please fire away.
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