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Another year of the forum - Thanks b0b!

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 6:35 am
by Andy Volk
Happy holidays b0b and many thanks yet again for making another year of the Steel guitar Forum available to the world. It's the first and last thing I do every day and it also fills the invaluable role of helping me avoid doing whatever it is I'm supossed to be doing while I just "check the forum for a minute".

How long has it been now, b0b ... 5 years; 6 years? Through flame wars, power failures, pornographic posts, terrorist attacks and cabinet drop you've provided an incredible service to the steel guitar community. And - after spending some time lurking on other bulletin boards I've come to appreciate the mastery with which you keep hundreds of people largely civil and focused on the topic at hand. Bravo.

THANKS!!<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 23 December 2002 at 06:36 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 6:47 am
by Jack Francis
AMEN Image

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 8:14 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Thanx b0b and All of You Here that make this Forum One of the best Places i know!
Since i discovered this Forum i can't keep away
.....Just Too Good....
Image Image Image Merry Christmas Image Image Image

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 8:30 am
by Gary Steele

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 8:58 am
by Ray Jenkins
And besides all of my well wishes for the future. When are our dues due?

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 9:14 am
by Bryan Knox
And thanks to you b0b and everyone else for making a newbie steeler feel welcomed and like part of the gang!

Help prevent juvenile delinquency...teach children to STEEL

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 9:51 am
by Bill Leff
Thanks b0b, this forum is the best!

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 9:59 am
by Ron Randall
Thanks Bob!!


Posted: 23 Dec 2002 12:09 pm
by Don LaCourse
Happy Holliday's, B0B
thank's for everything.

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 1:36 pm
by Olli Haavisto
Thanks again b0b , for making the world smaller for us steel players ! Especially for us living far away from "where the steel action is ".

Olli Haavisto
Polar steeler

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Olli Haavisto on 23 December 2002 at 01:36 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 1:49 pm
by Al Marcus
Ditto for me! b0b...happy Image Image

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 4:28 pm
by Jim Whitaker
Another happy Ohioan Thanks b0b & mery Christmas !!!

"Carter SD10" "74" LTD & NASHVILLE 400, Profex II "55" Esquire, "63 Epiphone, "63" Precision,
"71" Jazz

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 5:41 pm
by Fred Martin
Thanks Bob, for putting up with all of us. I check in a lot more that I post. But, I appreciate this place a lot !

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 5:46 pm
by HowardR
<SMALL>It's the first and last thing I do every day </SMALL>
it's actually the second thing I do everyday, but that doesn't make it any less important or enjoyable. Image

Hey Andy, we can continue complimenting Brad over here. I believe this is out of his jurisdiction. His locks won't work here.. Image

Thanks to everyone who runs the forum, and thanks for putting up with me.

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 5:54 pm
by Roy Rosetta
Thanks bOb !!!! You have made it possible for many fine people to communicate an become real friends. For this we're very appreciative of your hard work and tireless efforts. Thanks again for another great year.

Music is a "gift" with many wrappings....

Posted: 23 Dec 2002 6:17 pm
by Jody Carver
Putting up with you??? What choice to they
have???? N O N E . Image

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 6:25 am
by Smiley Roberts
I'd like to "echo" everything that everyone has said. If it hadn't've been for this forum,I wouldn't've met so many GREAT friends! I hope your sons,& grandsons do half as good a job runnin' it as you have. (I,especially,hope that I'm around to see them do it! Image )I'd,also,like to thank Lynn Owsley,for "turnin' me on" to the forum.

<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre> ~ ~
©¿© It don't mean a thang,
mm if it ain't got that twang.</pre></font>

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 8:19 am
by Vernon Hester
Thanks, Bob
This ole retiree looks at something here almost everyday.
Merry Christmas

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 8:32 am
by Chris Schlotzhauer
Merry Christmas bOb and thanks.

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 12:14 pm
by John Hawkins
What a great place to visit and learn from !!
Many thanks b0b for all the efforts you devote toward making this forum so good.

Merry Christmas and a great New Year to you and your family and to all the forum members .


Posted: 24 Dec 2002 2:20 pm
by b0b
We're wrapping up our 6th year of operation. Funny, I thought this would just be a little hobby board when I started it. I never expected it to blossom like this. It wasn't really planned or anything.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It's a great honor to serve you all. Thanks for making the Forum such a success.

<img align=left src="" border="0"><small>               Bobby Lee</small>
-b0b-   <small> </small>
-System Administrator

Posted: 24 Dec 2002 4:51 pm
by Ivan Posa
Thanks bOb from New Zealand. I would never have made the effort to learn Steel Guitar but for this Forum. It has been instrumental in bringing PSG out of the closet and making the instrument far more accessible to the public and players alike. The Forum has been a great source for resources and especially knowledge. Steel players seem more willing to share their knowledge and experience without the petty jealousies that seem to afflict many other instruments. A Merry Christmas to all forumites and Steelers....IP


Posted: 25 Dec 2002 4:45 am
by George Crowder
Thanks b0b for all you do to keep the forum going. Merry Christmas from Virginia.

Posted: 25 Dec 2002 7:16 am
by Jerry Overstreet
I second that emotion!

Posted: 25 Dec 2002 7:28 am
by Ernie Renn
As has been said here too many times to count: "b0b, you da man!"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! (To all the Forum members, too!)

My best,
The Official Buddy Emmons Website