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Burn CD from BIAB Real Tracks AND midi Tracks together???

Posted: 27 Dec 2009 10:05 am
by Bill Hatcher
Tried to burn a CD from BIAB and the MIDI piano file did not transfer in with the Real Tracks instruments. Got the real tracks bass, drums and guitar, but I was using the midi piano. As the file was coverting I could hear only the Midi piano track playing. Strange.

What is the procedure to combine ALL the midi instruments ALONG with the real track instruments and send those to a MP3 file and then burn.

Is there also a way to listen to what is going on while converting to MP3? How do you check the levels before converting/burning. Thanks for the info.

Posted: 27 Dec 2009 2:14 pm
by Rick Campbell

I love progress. You've went from zero to burning a CD in just a few days. It took me several years.

I'm not at my BIAB computer, but try this. I think you might have to save the song as a wav file and in that setup tell it to include real tracks midi tracks, individually or the whole composite mix, or both. Midi must be converted to audio for you to hear it, otherwise it just a bunch of digital data meant to tell a midi device what to play. So, I guess you should store as a wav file and then burn to CD.

Sorry for the sketchy answer. I think I'm on the right track, but if you don't figure it out let me know and I'll check it out and tell you exactly how to do it. Maybe someone else has a simpler answer.


Posted: 27 Dec 2009 3:56 pm
by Ken Lang
I have a free recorder (Hi-Q) from
that records what it hears on the computer. It records in MP3 or wav. or a couple others, which is settable.

I just play the song in biab and have hi-q record it in an MP3 which can be then transferred to CD.

Posted: 28 Dec 2009 11:33 am
by Bill Hatcher
Got it! Needed to hit "render" and wait for it all to do its thing.