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Quarterman Cone Problem

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 1:49 pm
by Dennis Saydak
I recently installed a new Q cone in my Dobro and now when I sneeze my Dobro sneezes back at me. Not only that, if I take it outside when the wind is blowing, my Dobro plays Gone With the Wind by itself. What should I do? :lol:

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 3:41 pm
by Dianne Best
Probably giving up the spiked eggnog would help ....


Quarterman cone

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 7:09 pm
by Billy Gilbert
Leave it alone. If it "talks back" to you that means the cone setting is just about perfect. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 20 Dec 2009 7:34 pm
by Bill Hatcher
Frankly my dear....gesundheit!

Posted: 21 Dec 2009 4:35 am
by Don McGregor
You are now entering THE TWILIGHT TONE.
WE control the Horizontal!
WE control the Vertical!
WE control the Volume!

(Okay, YOU can control the Volume.)

(from the 1966 album, "Rod Serling Goes Hawaiian")