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Maryland Steel Jam in Dec

Posted: 7 Nov 2002 12:11 am
by Al Miller

I AM HAVING A STEEL JAM DEC 7 th & 8th at remingtons of laurel Md. it is located just east of the baltimore washington parkway between the parkway and rt 32 start time is 10:00 am until????.i have imposed a $5.00 per person cover charge including myself sat. if you come sunday as well its $8.00 Per person
and at the end of the weekend we will divide the money up equally among the band that plays for us.
if anyone has any questions they can call me at 410-770-5951 or email me

Also wendell cavin SR is the club owner and he will have a full menu available all day. i would also like to thank him for his time and for the use of the room and sound system . what a guy!!!! Image

Posted: 8 Nov 2002 8:30 am
by Ray Walker
This is going to prove to be a great event and something to remember for a long time. So slip on a new set of strings and come on out. Stop judging whether you are a good steel player or bad steel player. You are a steel player and we all have a style and a level of play. This is a jam, not a contest...If it were a contest I wouldn't bother to go, because i simply couldn't win. I have jammed with many of these folks before and found them to be a lot of fun and cuttin up...but got a chance also to be part of some great steelers too. At my age I gotta have the fun cause you just never know when it all will end. So come on out and have a little fun in your life. Boo will be providing additional information regarding the jam as time draws nearer. He's a good man with a good heart and plays one of the nicest steel sounds you'll let's give him our support.

Ray Walker

Posted: 8 Nov 2002 5:18 pm
by Al Miller

^^^^^^^^^^ Bump^^^^^

Posted: 10 Nov 2002 12:01 pm
by Ray Walker
Bryan Adams just informed me on the phone that he will be at this jam if he has to crawl...and may bring a a friend or two with him (HEHE). Folks it's gonna be a fun jam. Hey got a fax hooked up to your phone...ya wanna just get an answering machine like the rest of us????


Posted: 10 Nov 2002 6:10 pm
by Sam White
Yes sir re I will be there if I'm not in the hospital having a small operation on the snarzzolla.Just got a few large pollops.nothing they can't take care of.I think it will be a week after the show that should make it OK.
Sam White

Posted: 10 Nov 2002 6:12 pm
by Al Miller

The Old school push/pull guy !! Image
Ray Glad to hear byran is going to make it. and ray I DO HAVE A ANSEWRING MACHINE!! why dont you leave a message you scared of my wife? Image anyway ive been down at pops in W Va this weekend wait till you hear what he has instore for the spring Image>.
well keep em comin ray, drag every steel toten, string bending,pedal pushin, bar stroker you can out of the woods see ya in dec !!!

Posted: 10 Nov 2002 10:14 pm
by Skip Mertz
Man I wish I could make it! It'll be a great weekend for you guys. Somebody tape it please
The MASGA can't get a newsletter out on time so you guys need to call as many pickers you know in the area up there and tell them to call who they know (this is called networking
I think). You won't believe the players that will come out of woodwork. The stats for Masga that only 20-30% of the steel players have computers w/intrenet access. Help Boo out by calling everybody you know. Thanks

Posted: 11 Nov 2002 5:11 pm
by Skip Mertz
Only cpl weeks before jam!

Posted: 11 Nov 2002 6:17 pm
by Bob Hayes
I'm "Steel" planinning on it.,.and bringing a few friends....I think that I played there a million years ago. Maybe I'll do some shopping at the commissary whule I'm there!!!

Posted: 12 Nov 2002 9:03 am
by Al Miller

^^^^^^^ UP ^^^^^^^^
gettin closer!! Image

Posted: 12 Nov 2002 6:55 pm
by Ken Latchum
Hey Boo!
It looks like everything is falling inplace for your upcoming Jam. I sure hope everyone is making phone calls in the Md, De,and Penn areas to let all those steelplayers know that there is going to be a steelguitar Jam in their traveling area. It would be a real shame for someone to miss out on this great event by not knowing about it. I know there are plenty of steel players and steelguitar enthusiast that would like to come if they only knew about it (everyone doesn't have a computer and won't know about the Jam unless all us take control and make some phone calls). I encourage everyone to make a phone call to someone you know that loves steelguitar and some good ole Country Music, even if they don't play. Everyone needs to come out and support Boo's first Jam. (Lord Willing)I plan on being there after hunting all week on the Eastern Shore MD. Boo, I will be there to support you and help you do anything that needs to be done.

Ken Latchum
President MASGA <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 12 November 2002 at 07:01 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 13 Nov 2002 12:22 pm
by Dean Black
hey boo, good to see your show is happening. i wish you the best,it sounds great,and if i can be of any help ,let me know.tell all the MARYLAND steelers i send my best. take it easy . DEAN BLACK

Posted: 13 Nov 2002 2:25 pm
by Billy Woo
Just curious to know if Buddy Charleton might attend? Boo, hope you have a great and successful Jam session and wish I could be there to finally meet all youse guys. I originally hail from D.C. and played guitar in a bunch of bands from the Paragon to the keg and Bayou..

Posted: 14 Nov 2002 2:30 pm
by Ray Walker
Gettin Closer and closer Image

Posted: 14 Nov 2002 4:34 pm
by Al Miller

Yea Ray It is Gettin Closer.. Image
A few Of you have e-mailed me for directions and motel accomadations. As for the motel i am going up there sat to chat with a few to try and get you guys some kind of event rate.. im sorry i havent got to it before now but i work a day gig too!! the directions are : from the 495 beltway take the baltimore washington Pkwy (295) toward baltimore, get off on Rt 198 (first exit) toward Ft Mead. the club is just about 1.5 miles down on your left. the name is remingtons it is a two story building we will be up stairs so bring your steel toten muscle's if you have problems carrying your stuff up the stairs look me up i will arrange to get you help .my cell # is 410-253-1094 if you get lost just call or you can call the club at 301-490-7000. as soon as i find out something about these rooms i will post it hear and e-mail everyone that is comming from out of town until then see ya!!!!

Posted: 14 Nov 2002 4:42 pm
by Al Miller

Opps almost forgot!!
I would like to thank dean Black and All the crew from the steelin for hearts jam that have wished me/us well in this endevor . I hope it turns out half as good as one of Deans Image thanks Guys !!

Posted: 14 Nov 2002 10:17 pm
by Skip Mertz
What Boo means (about muscles is) bring your wife or girlfriend (or somebody elses!)

Posted: 15 Nov 2002 12:43 pm
by Al Miller

Skip that is exactly what i mean !! Image just kidding guys !! if my wife seen this i would be in trouble !! hope to see everyone at the jam dont miss it. it is going to be a doosey!!! i hope Imagebut then again ray walker is coming !!!! Opps sorry ray ! LOL

Posted: 17 Nov 2002 10:16 am
by Ray Walker

Posted: 18 Nov 2002 9:10 am
by Kim Altman
Well . . . see . . . I was thinking about trying to come up . . . but since I don't have a wife or a girlfriend to carry my stuff up . . .

Posted: 18 Nov 2002 3:26 pm
by Ray Walker
Thanks for dropping off the CD's pretty girl Image and you can bet the farm I'll be there to help you lug it up them steps. Just wear your shortest dress and lead the way Image

Posted: 19 Nov 2002 6:12 am
by Ray Walker

Posted: 19 Nov 2002 8:59 am
by Skip Mertz
Boo and Ray, I just printed out a copy of this thread, and unless you guys teach me all your steel licks, I'm sending a copy to your wives! Ha!

Posted: 19 Nov 2002 2:43 pm
by Sam White
Yep and I did the same thing Skip so now they better tap the show for us. I will not be making it after all.I just got out of the hospital from having a Cath and I have to rest up for the Trip to Florida for Christmas to be with the other Daughter and grand Kids.I have been doing a lot of traveling and have to take a break.I will make the next one for sure.
Sam White

Posted: 19 Nov 2002 5:17 pm
by Al Miller

Skip & Sam!!
IF the two licks I know will teach you guys anything i will teach em to ya and show rays wife the thread myself Image but dont bring my wife in the picture or the deal is off !!
the jam is getting closer by the way and things are really looking good so far. now if every one shows that has confirmed we should tear the roof of the place.