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Dino Strunk


Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2010 6:09 pm    
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Hey Everyone!! Smile
Well, after using a porta-studio for a few years (Roland VS 2400) I'm now wanting to move into a computer setup. Since all I have at the moment are Windows PCs (desktop-Vista 32bit, Laptop-W7 64bit), I'm Considering a Cakewalk/Sonar VS 100 system, learning and working with the included software (which looks impressive) for awhile, then incorporating Sonar 8.5PE (or the latest version when the time comes) as I get more knowledge under my belt. It appears, and I've read as well, that the VS 100 has a pretty awesome audio interface with it...which can work with Sonar (of course) and most any other DAW software as well...Which would be good if I wanted to move to Cubase or something later on. For $700.00, it looks like a fairly decent deal.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!!Smile
Dino Strunk
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2010 3:20 am    
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I'm using Sonar 8.5.2 PE. I have a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, firewire recording interface that I'm using and it's a great unit. I just installed a Behringer BCF2000 control surface. The two of them are less $$ than the VS100.

The VS100 is good, but it only has two XLR inputs and two channels is not really enough.

In addition, you have to be careful with some recording equipment as it will only work with certain DAW software - or work correctly or fully. That is the case with Sonar and with Pro Tools. When I was looking for a control surface there wasn't a lot available for Sonar or that could be easily made to work with Sonar. Most of what I found was high $$ stuff, and I had avoided Behringer but after seeing all the posts on the Sonar forum about how well it worked - even from the Behringer "haters" I went for the $150 unit.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2010 4:53 pm    
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The major deal about VS-100 is it's portability. It is a recorder by itself you can take it to a club and record live bands or to another studio and use it there. So if you have a need for it's portability and recording it to a card then it's what you want but if you're wanting a dedicated interface to run Sonar or any other DAW well then the VS-100 is not very practical.

It just depends on what you need and want I would never put down the VS-100 because it does what it was made for very well and that might be the reason why you want it if so go for it. But on the other hand if you are going to record on a PC and need a good control surface there are many better options. Good luck!

***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Dino Strunk


Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2010 8:00 pm    
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Thanks to both of you for the feedback. I really appreciate it!! Actually, the more I study the VS 100, the more I'm thinking different as well. The main plus I have with the VS 100 is the fact that I could get into a decent DAW/interface for a fairly reasonable price...even cheaper now-lowered price of $599.00. But, I agree with Jack as to the fact that it only has 2 XLR inputs and I'm sure I would soon want more. Another drawback I've learned is that the portable wave recorder section can only record 1 stereo input or 2 mono inputs. So if you use it to record a band for example, you can use the built in mixer to mix down to 1 or 2 tracks. There's no way to edit anything very much back at your studio at that point. Not a deal breaker...but could have been designed better in my opinion.
Jack, I'm going to check into that Behringer unit you mentioned some more. I looked at it once before, but I want to check into it more in detail. It looks really good!! I'm also looking at the Tascam FW 1082 looks good as well. Comes with a version of Cubase LE. I'm sure the software is lacking, but I need to start basic anyway and I could always move into Cubase 5 or jump full into Sonar or any other DAW for that matter.
Thanks again guys!!! Smile
Dino Strunk
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Gary Shepherd

Fox, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 22 Jan 2010 7:14 pm    
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I use a Phonic FireWire mixer with my Sonar 8.5. It has 18 inputs (plus a few) and with the mixer, you have monitoring built in. Extra FX too if you want to use them. I never do.
Gary Shepherd

Carter D-10 & Peavey Nashville 1000
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Robby Springfield

Viola, AR, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2010 8:59 pm    
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Hey Dino,

What is your goal? Are you wanting to set up to do overdubs or live band recordings? Both? Call me sometime.
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