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UPS stinks- never again....

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 7:43 am
by Dave Van Allen
I herebye swear that I will never again use United Parcel Service for transportation of musical equipment of any kind.



<small>Zumsteel U12 "Loafer" 8&6 :: ZB Custom D-10 :: Fender Tube Amplification :: ::

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 8:06 am
by Greg Simmons
Dave, did the Wizards in Brown do you a nasty?!?

Greg Simmons
Custodian of the Official Sho~Bud Pedal Steel Guitar Website

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Greg Simmons on 30 September 2002 at 09:07 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 9:27 am
by Tony Prior
So Dave, are we to guess what happened or might you tell us .


Posted: 30 Sep 2002 9:57 am
by John Rickard
After UPS damaged 3 of my guitars (including breaking a Bakelite Rickenbacher in half) I switched to FedEx ground service. No problems, and they were cheaper.
JR<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John Rickard on 30 September 2002 at 11:00 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:26 am
by Darvin Willhoite
Add my name to this list also. UPS has damaged everything I have gotten through them in the last year or two. When you file a claim, they always claim "improper packing" which is a copout. I either use Fedex ground or USPS to ship everything.

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:58 am
by Jim Smith
I too have been happily using FedEx ground. They're cheaper and faster than UPS. As an example, I recently shipped a 65 pound pedal steel from Dallas to Vermont. UPS wanted about $50 and it would have taken seven days. FedEx ground charged $30 and it was there in four days. Image

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 10:58 am
by chas smith
Even my UPS driver tells me to never to ship delicate stuff with them, especially if it can't withstand a 4 foot drop. The most beautiful amp I have ever heard got sent UPS and arrived at its destination not working. Even the casters were crushed from the impact.

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 11:43 am
by Dave Birkett
I believe I detect negative comments that actually serve a purpose.

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 12:22 pm
by Tony Prior
pretty amazing stuff..I have shipped the following within the last year and a half, all UPS ground. I ship from a hub not a retail outlet which up charges big time like Mailboxes etc...

Gibson 335 in it's case
Fender Strat
hartke Bass amp head
hartke 4x10 speaker cabinet
16 channel board
tascam 8 track
various smaller items

I have received the following by UPS ground

Sho-Bud D10
Carter D10
Nashville 400

They all arrived safe an problems damage

We use UPS for our business exclusively now.
there are some zip code rates which are way out there in price but for the most part they are pretty competitive. I use my own packaging and we have filed a few claims and had no problem with collecting on them.

Last year we shipped approx 300 UPS packages
all over the USA average size 15x15x15 and we had maybe 3 or 4 claims.

I've been fortunate, others I guess have not been.

go figure...

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 12:54 pm
by Mike Spaeth
Yep, it's FedEx ground for me too!!!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 3:16 pm
by Rick Garrett
I've had great luck with UPS. I shipped and received several steels with no problem. Recently got in a beautiful black MSA U12 with not one scratch on it. Also got in an amp from Bobbe with no trouble. Guess it just depends on where you live or who actually handles your stuff. Good luck whoever you use.

Rick Garrett

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 5:18 pm
by Jim Florence
We used to have an older fellow who had been with UPS for years, and service was great. We're in a small town with no terminal. He would pick up the unit carry it off and bring a bill the next day, he would take personal checks, was a good advisor. Then He retired. Ohhhhhh S.......Boy do we miss him>
Now I too use FEDEX

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 5:43 pm
by Harvey Spiller
I am retired from UPS. I was in management. I know the system. I send all and ask that all be sent to me anyway except UPS.


Posted: 30 Sep 2002 6:04 pm
by Eddie D.Bollinger
I shipped a 95 Emmons to Tokyo,Japan via
Fed Ex. No problems at all, only good words
from Mr.Takashi. Thats a "ways" from my
Mississippi homeland.

Eddie B.
Carter D-10
8 & 2many

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 8:46 pm
by Gary Walker
I shipped an amp to Texas last year and their tracking system was very vague and I kept trying to find out what happened. They couldn't give a straight answer on what happened to the amp, where it was, was it ever delivered. I finally found the recipients email address and he had received it. This all took place over several weeks and when I would call UPS they would tell me, they'll get back to me. Finally on the umpteenth call to them and having them tell me they sent my check(which I never got) they told me the 45 days for a claim had elapsed and I am out $336 and the amp.

Posted: 30 Sep 2002 9:27 pm
by Bobby Boggs
Gary you may know this.But if you shipped your amp thru Mail Box Etc or someone like that.Your COD check will be sent to the place that shipped it.Not you.I found this out the hard way.No one from Mail Boxes ever called me.I finially ran it down.I do my own packing now.
As for UPS never had any damage from incomming or out going freight.But I try to pack really good.Only used FedEx twice.Had damage both times.I have no intentions of ever using them again.------------------bb

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 5:54 am
by Skip T
Maybe Dale Jarrett(#88) "is driving" that BIG BROWN TRUCK everyday except Sundays! (skid,crash,rollovers) Image

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 6:37 am
by Roy McKinney
I have had bad experience with both of them, UPS and FEDWEX gnd. Fed Ex will not deliver ground to me and deposit it at a warehouse about 4 1/2 hours from me and will let it set there for about a week before they will put it in the US mail. They dropped a steel guitar I ordered and didn't bother to tell anyone and eventually sent it back to the shipper after several days of trying to track it.

The only problem I have had with UPS is that I pay for 2nd air or 3 day delivery and they never make it. Have had no problems getting my money back.

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 12:57 pm
by Tony Palmer
I use UPS all the time with my business and I have two conclusions:
1.You MUST, MUST, MUST pack the stuff well, especially corners. Expect the package to be THROWN to a dock, conveyor, truck, etc.
2.Do not expect to make a claim for damage...they'll find a way to refuse it.

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 1:36 pm
by Paul Warnik
If it is not packed well enough to withstand being kicked off the four foot drop from the trailer tailgate-it probably should not be shipped via UPS

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 1:47 pm
by Jim Phelps
I've had good luck with all the shipping services, UPS too, BUT -- one of my best friends bought a vintage Fender Super Reverb from a music store in Ohio and had it shipped UPS to him in Las Vegas. He saw the UPS truck pull up in front of his house and went out to meet it and witnessed the jerk actually rolling the box containing his vintage amp on its' sides up his driveway! Of course my friend came unglued, and so did the cabinet to his amp. He complained and they did give him some compensation, I don't remember how much.

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 3:42 pm
by Ken Mullett
It always seemed to me that the quality of UPS service deteriorated quite a bit after the long strike they had some years back. Wasn't that when they started hiring a lot of temporary and part time help? Ken

Posted: 1 Oct 2002 6:01 pm
by Sam White
Yup the UPS even got Dale Jarret Race Car all messed up he can't do to much winning with the UPS advertisment on it and painted like a UPS truck.I Ship all my steel parts back to Jerry Fessenden through the Post Office Priority Mail and Jerry Ships to me the sane way and we have no problem.
Sam White

Posted: 2 Oct 2002 12:05 pm
by Bob Simmons
Me too, It's FedEx/Rps for us too, we have a model train store as well as Simmons Steels and the FedEx driver shows up same time every day, while UPS is always late and much more damage. When someone sends me a steel to rebuild or repair I sure hope it gets home in good shape. Bob