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Ricky Littleton

Steely-Eyed Missile Man from Cocoa Beach, Florida USA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2009 12:39 pm    
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Have been "fine tuning" my set-up on my 12. One thing I decided was "why have the identical E9 on 2 guitars?". For my purposes, 2 guitars give me the obvious redundancy, but also gives me some flexability in sound.

I decided to leave the whole tone change (F#-G#) for my Emmons and revert the Sierra back to the F#-G half tone change. I haven't used that in MANY years and I really forgot how nice that sound is.

The whole tone 1st string change has become (again for just me) a bit too cliche' and over-used so I am migrating away from it on my U-12.

I think this little bit of diversity between instruments will be a nice break in routine.

Do any others think this way or am I just looking for change for the sake of change?

Emmons LeGrande - 8x4,
Gwin Steel custom tube amplifier ,Goodrich Volume pedal, Peterson VS-II Tuner, E-Bow, Bo-Bro
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Ryan Barwin

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2009 1:41 pm    
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I completely agree with you....why have the same setup on both guitars? Changing things around opens up a lot of new musical ideas and sounds. Both changes are cool and have different uses.
Though if I had a Sierra and an Emmons, I'd put the F#>G# on the Sierra, and the F#>G on the Emmons.
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2009 1:50 pm    
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Why not just put a half-stop on it and be done with it?

You can put a spring-loaded half-stop on 7 and set it for G, then, if you're lucky, you can adjust the 1st string bellcrank to get G with the same amt of throw as the 7th string and . . . you have both changes on one lever.

Worth a thought. It works well for me.

Why have the same setup on multiple guitars? Depends on the purpose. If your guitars are experiments in progress, fine -- learn all you can from those experiments. If your guitar is a tool you use to make music / money, it's a bit different. I usually reserve a pedal and a lever (if I can spare one) for changes I don't really need. I need 7x7 to get the changes I'm accustomed to, but I have a guitar with 8x8 and one with 8x7 so that those experiments don't get in the way of the bread and butter. 90% of the rest of my setup hasn't changed since 1975. But maybe that's just me.

Everyone has his / her own needs and purposes -- pedal steel is not a one size fits all instrument.
Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
My CD's: 'I've Got Friends in COLD Places' - 'Pedal Steel Guitar'
2021 Rittenberry S/D-12 8x7, 1976 Emmons S/D-12 7x6, 1969 Emmons S/D-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Quilter ToneBlock 202 TT-12
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Barry Hyman

upstate New York, USA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2009 5:52 pm    
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I use the F# to G change (talking open position here) to get an Em, a G, and a G7, as well as the usual A7. I use it a lot to get blues scales and blues licks, and to get E minor and E dorian scales. It adds a suspended fourth to a D chord. (Still talking open position, for the sake of simplicity -- it can add a sus4 to any chord if you move up the neck, obviously.) And it augments the B chord on strings 1, 2, and 5. What else can it do? Any suggestions? I'm happy to still be learning after 37 years!
I give music lessons on several different instruments in Cambridge, NY (between Bennington, VT and Albany, NY). But my true love is pedal steel. I've been obsessed with steel since 1972; don't know anything I'd rather talk about...
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Russ Wever


Kansas City
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2009 2:56 am    
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Barry -

In addition to the chordal uses for the F#-G knee
lever, I find it useful in melodic single-note runs.

I had posted this example of 'descending half-scales'
long ago, before you were posting here at the for-um.

I've opened a new post with it, thinking that other
newer players might get some use from it, too.

The new post is - - > H E R E

Hope ya find it to be useful,
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2009 12:44 am    
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Larry Bell wrote:
...If your guitars are experiments in progress, fine ... I usually reserve a pedal and a that those experiments don't get in the way of the bread and butter...

I agree. I'm getting Mike Perlowin's red Fessenden U-12 as an experiment in progress soon. Its a 7X5, but setup as 4X2 C6 with 11 strings now.

Ricky Littleton wrote:
Have been "fine tuning" my set-up on my 12. One thing I decided was "why have the identical E9 on 2 guitars?". For my purposes, 2 guitars give me the obvious redundancy, but also gives me some flexability in sound...Do any others think this way or am I just looking for change for the sake of change?

My Mullen S10 E9 will stay just as it is for work,
but the Fessy will give me lots of copedent options to play around with.
First change is F# raise to G (I already have the whole tone raise on the Mullen).
I'm really looking forward to my 3rd PSG!
I told the wife, "This is the last one I'll get."
Then muttered something like... "for a while" Wink
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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 5 Nov 2009 2:31 am    
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To Barry
I use 7th string F#-G to get a nice Dom13th together w B+C
play strings 7 5 4 open and get G C# F#, add the 3rd string A (root)if needed

I also use 7th string F#-G together w A+F, 1 fret up from open strings, play 7 5 4 and get G# D F#

It can also be done w C pedal and E's-Eb(Instead of A+F) if you have split tuned Cpedal

Bengt Erlandsen

my other Pedal steel has F#-G# on 7th string tho
I like both
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