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Kansas: KSGA November Meeting Report & Pictures

Posted: 2 Nov 2009 8:02 am
by Dana Stewart
KSGA November 2009 Meeting

Hello everyone. It was meeting time again today. We had a few less people attend today, due to a couple of steel shows being nearby. It was still a great a time. I was so excited to see Charlie and Darlene Barnette walk through the door. They are friends of ours from AR. and Charlie has had some really serious health problems for about a year now. It was so good to see him be able to get out and attend the meeting. He joined the club and said he would be back next month and bring his rythm guitar (he is still not able to play his steel guitar). That just made my day!

Larry Crozier also joined up today, and we were glad to have him there.

We were also glad to see Lee Ogle able to be with us today. Most of you know that Lee was in a motorcycle wreck last month and shattered his hip. He still has a lot of hard work ahead of him, but he seemed to be doing well. The bones are fusing back together well, from what I hear. We continue to pray for a smooth and quick recovery for Lee, and hope you will as well.

The steel players that attended today's meeting were:

Paul Troop
Ray Qualls
Benny Haynes
Wes Medlin
Austin Stewart
Glen Vaughn
Lee Ogle

Ray Qualls helped us out with his lead guitar and Randy Stewart thumped a little bass guitar for us.

Also in attendance today were:

Carol Troop
Donald & Ruth Sagaser
Bob Taylor
Randy, Dana , & Dalton Stewart
Janis Haynes (and Grandchildren)
Ann Spohn
John & Ruth Thomas
Marvin Groff
Charlie & Darlene Barnette

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the club. We hope to see you again next time.

Dana Stewart








Posted: 2 Nov 2009 9:57 am
by Scott Henderson
Great to see "The Prez" up and at em' Wish we could have made it. we have a big trip planned for later this week so have to save money and mileage.
Tell all we said hey!

Posted: 2 Nov 2009 11:33 am
by ray qualls
Good job Dana! My fingers were so sore last night that I couldn't even pick my nose! :lol: Looking forward to next month and hoping the weather will be the same as this month. Good to see Charley and his wife and good to see Lee getting around better. Ray

Posted: 2 Nov 2009 12:10 pm
by Lynn Carney
Great photos, Dana. Thanks for sharing. It's good see Charlie B. out and about.

Posted: 2 Nov 2009 3:01 pm
by Jerry Lee Newberry
Sounds like you all had a good time. Glad Lee and Charlie were able to be there.I know what you mean about sore fingers Ray. I don't play the bass much and when I do my fingers usually get sore. Randy looks good behind that bass!!!!!!!!!!


Posted: 2 Nov 2009 6:19 pm
by Keith Hilton
Why is my good friend Lee Ogle using a walker? I hope he is OK, I am concerned?

Posted: 2 Nov 2009 8:18 pm
by Bill Dobkins
Keith, Did you not know that Lee was in a motorcycle accident ? I missed seeing lee at the Show this year. I heard he came by briefly but I had already left.
Hang tuff lee maybe next year.