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Thanks From The Fulton Show

Posted: 1 Nov 2009 11:06 am
Me and Jackhammer would personally like to thank everyone who helped in any capacity for making it a great show.Probably the best one yet. The next big show will be the last friday and saturday in April.More on it to come. Many Thanks Jim


Posted: 1 Nov 2009 2:32 pm
by Doc Rickles
Thanks JIm and Jack,
It was one of the best I have ever attended with some of the best musicians and pickers we have ever had.Only got to be there Sat but it was an outstanding show.Mike and Joanie were great. Rusty Rhoads Fantastic.The two of them together were double dynamite.
Can't wait till April.
Thanks to all the folks there for making me feel so welcome as always.
Great fun, great food, great time.
Take a day off JIm you deserve it.
Doc Rickles


Posted: 2 Nov 2009 4:37 am
by Ernest Cawby
I know this would be a long drive for me but I spent 3 years in Tupelo and this is my old stomping grounds, sure like this area, watch out for the bad roads had to replace all 4 tires on my station wagon because of pot holes over the 3 years I was there.
Beware boys i will make it one of these days if you will allow me to play.



Posted: 4 Nov 2009 1:22 pm
Mr. Ernest you just come the last friday and saturday in april and bring your guitar and play with us. Hope your doing ok. Jim


Posted: 4 Nov 2009 2:16 pm
by Ernest Cawby
Send me your address will send you a DVD of Pee Wee Duton and I playing on the Alabama show this year and you can see what you are in for you may change your mind..


Posted: 6 Nov 2009 9:47 am
by Tommy Young
YEEEE HAAAAA Best show I've seen in a longgggg time it was great to say the least some of the very best.....if ya missed it your loss..

Posted: 6 Nov 2009 11:42 am
by Jim Hartley
Hey Jim P.

Sorry it has taken me a few days to post, but I've been slammed the last few days. Anyway, thanks so much for all the hard work and congratulations on a fine show. As I suspected, I saw a bunch of my Alabama and Georgia buddies, and made some great new friends in Mississippi. Next time though, see if you can arrange to have a little less rain.

Lot's of good pickers and singers in Ms, I enjoyed all of them. Speakin' of singers, Joanie is really something special isn't she.(her steel player ain't so bad either is he?).

Again, thanks for a great weekend, you sure made this drummer feel welcomed.

See ya soon,

thanks to all in fulton

Posted: 6 Nov 2009 5:24 pm
by Michael Matthews
:D hey jim parker and all the rest...thanks for a wonderful time at the show last sat. 10-31-09 what a fun time it was...I got to sing a few songs and what an honor to have Tommy Oliver to play those hot licks behind you and also I have the bragging rights to have Mike Johnson to play behind me on a couple of songs.. what a thrill!!! I'd like to thank the band also could not have sounded better...Jay French on bass was outstanding and the drummer,, did'nt catch his name but what an awesome job..almost forgot..what about Mr. Rusty Roads , both on steel and tearing up that!!! and the girls on the harmony how sweet...great job everybody and Jack ]the HAMMER] keep up the good work your doing and giving a nobody like me a half a chance..thank you a bunch see ya next show Lord willing...Michael Matthews ..oh maybe one day I can play a set for.. :o

Thanks Jim and Micheal

Posted: 6 Nov 2009 6:51 pm
Thanks Jim and Micheal for helping us have a great show guys. I appreciate both of you. Jim