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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2009 7:02 pm    
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Aside from John Hughey........I haven't purchased a single top o'the chart album in more than a decade.

When the new Hio-Hop and Rock & Roll producers started dropping steel guitar from their latest country productions...... I stopped buying their sorry products.

Most of you probably weren't aware that I was a loyal JERRY BYRD fan for decades. Of late I've been finding some of the richest and most exciting records with JERRY BYRD playing on them. Most are from virtual 'unknown vocalists' of olde. JERRY's TONE and solo's were exceptionally fine on those old records and are like time capsules of this day.

I don't know if this applies to todays' top players or not, I mean them recording with "UNKNOWN VOCALISTS" but if that's the case, keep on the look out because after about 10 years from purchase date a lot of folks start dumping them in large batches. Great finds on E-Bay and elsewhere. Keep your eyes open and good hunting!
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Jody Sanders


Magnolia,Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2009 8:12 pm    
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Once I asked Jerry Bird why in some old film clips he was playing rhythmn guitar instead of steel( as in my opinion The Byrd was the best). He said : Jody, my boy, it was all a matter of economics. As you know, the bandleader gets double scale. I could not lead the band sitting down. Talking to Jerry was priceless. Jody.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2009 8:27 pm     What truly saddens ME.....................
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Jerry confided in me that for years, he lead virtually every recording session that he participated in. He was the LEADER.

It wasn't until decades later that Jimmy Wakely or someone like that from outside Nashville, informed him that JERRY BYRD should be receiving double the standard UNION WAGE for being THE LEADER. No one had ever told this to Jerry but went right on taking advantage of this wonderful and gracious human being and working him while cheating him out of his rightful income. No wonder Jerry and other working musicians never got rich playing the music they loved.

How dastardly! That's what a lot of musicians are like. Others I've learned, will get drunk and actually put you off their tour bus 100 miles out in the sticks, at night and in a raging blizzard.

Sorry for the rant!
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