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Author Topic:  Need input on turning a U12 into an extended E9
Kenn Geiger


Salem, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2009 8:40 pm    
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My problem is mostly worry on my part. [I hope]

In order to change the copedant I must leave the guitar on its face for a long time. I plan on using a thick towel, but,will it harm the guitar at all to leave it face down on a towel for a couple of days?

I know it rests that way in its case, but it is supported on both ends. I will have one of my sons place it on the towel on the dining room table for me. (got permission in advance from the missis) Being disabled, I cannot put it in its case every night from there. Finding a son not busy is sometimes a challenge since they have their own lives.

So - What so you think? Will it hurt it? Is there a better way - like a rug??? Ot is pristine and I would like to keep it that way.

Tks, Kenn
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John Bechtel

Nashville, Tennessee, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2009 7:41 am    
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Laying a PSG up-side-down on a towel, on a table will not damage the instrument at all, except maybe if you drop it hard and perhaps bend a tuning-key! W/O a towel, you are more likely to mar the surface of the table!
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2009 11:02 am    
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Sage advice from Del Mullen about this.

Maybe some of the other builders or technicians will clue us in as to their method of supporting a guitar while doing setups.

I built a padded jig out of 2 X 4 blocks and 1 X furring strips to stabilize it. That way, you can reach under to pluck and/or tune the strings when doing your setup. I still keep some foam or something really soft under the guitar in case of an accident.

CAUTION: It's a close fit, but it must 100% stable and fit perfectly under the narrow ledges of either end, cause if all that weight gets knocked off the jig onto a hard surface, it would probably be more likely to damage a bridge roller or a key even worse than if it were already lying there.

For simple minor changes, I've been known to lay them on the bed with satisfactory results.
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Pit Lenz

Cologne, Germany
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2009 12:59 pm    
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I must leave the guitar on its face for a long time.

on the dining room table. (got permission in advance from the missis)

Are you going on a diet? Laughing
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