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Tim Wallis


East Peoria, IL
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 10:34 am    
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Well, for those of you who wrote positive emails to me and posts on the forum this message is not aimed towards you. I’d like to thank all of you for the nice comments and positive feedbacks. My message is to those who sent me less than favorable emails and posted negative messages on the forum.

First of all, I’ve personally spent thousands of dollars of my own money and donated hundreds of hours of my time to put on the Internet. Also a lot of wear and tear on my car driving back and forth to St. Louis. I’m not the only one who’s worked hard and spent money to build SteelRadio. We should be thanking people like Mike Scott, Scotty, Bill Francisco and Rich Mounce as well as some others for their dedication to this project. But when I read some of the negative emails and feedbacks on the forum and we get blasted frankly it really pisses me off.

We were not able to broadcast the entire Convention because of several reasons that was out of our control. What we could broadcast we did. Our Radio staff did not get to see much of the players on stage because we were at our booth making sure YOU could hear the players.

Bill Ferguson, as usual, did an incredible job running sound. If the sound was not up to your standards then most likely that’s my fault. I did the best I could with everything we had going on. So don’t blast Bill on the sound!

Our Radio team works hard to put on a good broadcast for those of you who can’t make it to the show. I want to say once again to those who appreciated our efforts THANK YOU and we appreciate you too! To those of you who sent nasty emails and posted unfavorable messages on the forum, let me ask you something. Were you in some sort of hostage situation where you were forced to listen? If not, let me know your web address so I can listen to your Radio coverage of next years Convention. Yah, I’m being sarcastic.

Tim Wallis, Programming Director of
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 11:07 am    
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Excellent post Tim. I would like to add that I and my crew come for free. Scotty does furnish us rooms. This is the way we want it, because when it becomes a job, I'm done.
I furnish all the equipment used to record the show and to send a signal to steelradio.

You know, I don't mind being blasted, but it should be for something that I did wrong. And in my opinion we did it right or at least the best possible.

Why I could have sat home and listened on the internet for FREE, but no I chose to help provide this service to over a half million people.

Ok, I'm done

Nope: I forgot, Tim and crew, I sincerely appreciate you and your friendship that we have delevoped in the past year.
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 11:48 am    
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I thought the coverage was great. Being stuck here at home, I appreciated it.

I just hoped that so I could hear all the players that they did the interviews between sets or taped them or something.

I think that was the biggest compaint that was registered. Thanks for a job well job with all the hassles
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 12:42 pm    
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Tim and Bill, as you know there's one in every crowd, and with a few thousand hits you can expect more than one I imagine. I was at the show and tried to stop by and say hello but each time I was in your booth area you guys were guys have a great show..keep up the great work. One minute of live coverage is still be better than zero minutes of coverage.

[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 03 September 2002 at 04:27 PM.]

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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 2:18 pm    
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"One minute of live coverage is still be better than zero minutes of coverage."

Nuf said. Amen
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Rich Mounce


Dunfermline, Il
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 4:47 pm    
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Tim...Couldn't have said it better myself. I was thrilled when I was asked to come to St Louis and help with the broadcast. I would have been there anyway but it was so great working with you and Bill Francisco, Michael Scott, Bill Ferguson and all the other people who helped make this years convention one of the best I have ever been to. We did receive some negative e-mail and IM's but for the mostpart I think the majority of the comments I received were good. No one has a clue about the hours that Tim Wallis put into and I can tell you this -He does it for the love of the music. I know because I was there when the concept was born and I know all the hours he put into this trying to make it work and get better. In closing I can only say if you were not happy with what we pulled off on Steelradio this Labor Day let me know and I will give you your money back! Oh wait a minute - It didn't cost you anything. Thanks all!
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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 5:54 pm    
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My sincerest apologies to all concerned.

I posted in haste concerning the sound problems on the Brumley set Saturday night, and without considering the effort and expense you all went to to provide a remarkable service to those of us who could not make it to the event. I am sorry if you are upset.

Am I being sarcastic? No.

I am being sincere.

so I also sincerely ask, was there a reason the interviews had to blot out whole sets by certain artists? technical reason, political reason or artist's request? I really would like to know the real story.

Thanks again for your remarkable achievement.
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Rob Parker


Paducah, Kentucky, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 3 Sep 2002 9:51 pm    
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I wish to add my thanks and appreciation to Steel Radio,and your associates,to Bill Ferguson and his crew and to Scotty and Mike Scott for their work and dedication to bring to many people of the world a radio broadcast of the Steel Guitar Convention...
A lot of people worked their buns off to accomplish this,and made it a highly successful operation...kudos to all of you...
I sincerely hope those who had complaints about the broadcast will rethink their gripes and see that most people who listened ,was very appreciative of these groups of peoples, hard work...
Thank you again...
RP'come on in'...

[This message was edited by ROB PARKER on 03 September 2002 at 10:52 PM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 9:11 am    
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I agree. This was a monumental effort by people who are dedicated to the advancement of the steel guitar. It became an amazing accomplishment. Bravo!

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic) Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6)

[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 04 September 2002 at 10:12 AM.]

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 9:26 am    
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I was at the show so I heard the show in person, and obviously didn't hear the Internet broadcast.

I'd still like to know why the interviews were held during players' performances? Why was it necessary to create your own mix instead of using the mix from the main board? It seems to me that alone would have removed a huge amount of your workload.
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Tim McCutchen

Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 9:44 am    
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I appreciate very much your efforts in bringing the ISGC to I wasn't able to come but you made it possible for me to catch (in very good quality) the show. Thanks again for all you do.
Tim McCutchen

'01 Zumsteel D-10 8&9
Evans Amp

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Jack Shrader Sr


Columbus In. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 10:16 am    
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I for one want to thank all that was responsible for the great sound I recieved on my computer, of the ISGC. You know there is going to be those that will gripe and complain no matter what. Some of the people on here is the reason we was not able to keep some of the pro pickers on here all they wanted to do was cause termal all the time .Please don't let this be a concern cause the Majority says thanks.. job well done Jack
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Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 10:28 am    
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Bill and crew work really hard on providing the best sound possible and I appreciate it very much. They are good folks and good to work with.

I heard the 'live' feed from the Australian set, and it was really good. So, I have no doubt that the show was top notch.
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Bill Ferguson

Milton, FL USA
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2002 11:32 am    
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Thank you Mike, and the Peavey gear helps us make it work

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