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KSGA Route 66 Show / Baxter Springs Ks.

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 5:07 pm
by Fred Justice
Friends I just want to say a few words about this Show.
Oct. 2nd, 3rd. and 4th has got to be one of the high lights of the year for me. I have made and played all but the first of these shows since it started I think six or seven years ago.
Let me tell you a little about this show.
First, its club members are like one close family, really. These folks are not in it for the money, as they do NOT even charge to get in to this Show!!!
Its strictly donation only. But here's the real kicker, they feed everyone that comes thru the door, all weekend,WOW. Again its strictly donation on the food.
The stage is (floor level) with the audience, you talk about a warm fuzzy feeling Show, this is it folks.
If your in Kansas,Arkansas, Missouri or Oklahoma, and can afford the gas, and LOVE STEEL GUITAR music, you need to attend this Show, Its FREE!!!
There is just something about this Show, you go to one of these Shows and you'll be back each year, its that simple. I love it, I love it!!!

This year will be the first time I've had my new "JUSTICE GUITARS" at the Show and can hardly wait to play and show them there.
Now folks, if you need S.I.T. Strings, Hilton Pedals, a new Justice rack case, guitar case or speaker cabinets, hold on daddy's coming. :D
We'll have lots of other goodies as well.

Ok, I'm about to fall off my soap box here, thanks for listening my friends and I'll see you ALL soon. :D :D

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 6:02 pm
by Dugg Collins
I agree that this organization is super good.

It was my pleasure to be there a couple years back when my buddy Curt Shoemaker was inducted into the Hall of Fame.

If you haven't been to one of their shows, please go, especially you folks just across the line in Missouri, Oklahoma and all you Kansas steel lovers.

Dugg Collins
Amarillo, Texas

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 6:32 pm
by Ray Campbell
No promises, of course, but I do hope to be there this year. Am not a steel player but am an old country musician that loves the instrument and those that play it. I play a little bass and sing some. I am a b ig fan of Scotty Hendersons and have heard several others who have said they will be there. Sounds like fun, so I'm gonna try. Ray Carson

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 8:13 am
by Fred Justice
Dugg and Ray, thanks for posting. I'll look for both of you at the Show, and I'm sure Curt and Scotty will not disappoint you. :D :D

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 10:02 am
by Jeremiah Hanley
Fred, We certainly agree! This is a super show! There is such a 'family' feeling here. Everyone is really friendly! We look forward to this every year!!

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 3:29 am
by Fred Justice
Leaving right now for the Bill & Betty Jobes super Jam in Racket Mo. this weekend, then on to the Route 66 Show just 4 days later, see yo all there. :D :D

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 8:34 am
by ray qualls
Guys, Thanks so much for the compliments! Without you guys and gals being here, there wouldn't be any show. See you next week. Ray

Posted: 26 Sep 2009 7:12 am
by Norma Jean Lucas
This is a great show! I think each year it can't get any better but it always does. It will be nice for me to hear the Hanley's again. By the way, has Fred invested in a 18 wheeler to bring all that stuff? :lol: Just kidding, come on down or up for this show. the price is right. See ya there!

Posted: 27 Sep 2009 5:25 pm
by ray qualls
Bump TTT.

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 9:22 am
by Fred Justice
Just four days folks and we'll be picken and grinnen in Baxter Springs Ks. Oh....., and eaten too. How could I forget a thing like that??? :lol:

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 3:55 pm
by Jerry Horner
You folks do not want to miss this show. Some of the finest players in the country will be there. Have a great time and maybe I can be there next year,


Posted: 30 Sep 2009 9:30 am
by Scott Henderson
Looking forward to a great weekend of pickin and friendship. We will have several CDs for sale. Our new Gospel CD " The Message" PLUS rhythm tracks, The Jazzabillies, Live at Crickets and our Christmas CD.
PLUS!!!! we will have copies of the brand new Dave Owens CD " Timeless Voices of the Dogwoods" This is a great country project that I co-produced with Dave and played on. It was recorded at our recording studio in Camdenton. It features songs from Missouri artists and writers. And also features a couple of Missouri folks by the name of Leona Williams and Ferlin Husky.
See you all there. It's gonna be a hoot!!!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 3:49 pm
by Jeremiah Hanley
The Gospel CD that Scotty mentioned is a 'must have'! We've used several selections on our broadcast,, and also we listen to it for our own enjoyment here at home. Scotty's a great talent and this project is very unique. I've never heard one done just like this. Be sure and pick up your copy of this 'gospel CD' at Baxter Springs this weekend.

Hey, Fred, I got a call from Randy Stewart and he's got something different lined up for the barbeque this time. My mouth is watering already with anticipation. It's gonna be a delightful weekend of music, fellowship, and great food!

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 2:26 am
by Bill Myrick
and NO--it ain't road runner either !! :roll: I agree 100% about Scotty's gospel cd --be sure and pick one up, it'll be one of your favorites , I promise.
Our Maker willing, Miss Eva and I may slip in quietly sunday. See you then Mr Fred, love ya brother-- :)

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 5:47 am
by Scott Henderson
Thanks for the kind words ya'll!!! I am very rpoud of The Message. We're looking forward to a great weekend. I splurged and rented a suite at the Little Brick Inn. I spoil Teresa so.... LOL 1 more day till the HOOT ON THE ROUTE!!!!!!(PRONOUNCED ROOT hehehehe)
Tell Randy looking forward to BBQ and " Night Life is on the list!!!

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 7:12 am
by Price Porter
howdy ray -got my reservation and ill be at the baxter springs show on saturday. I have lots of family over at fredonia kansas/ looking forward to meeting everyone and hearing all the pickers.--price :)

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 8:51 am
by Stuart Legg
I have heard nothing but good things about this show and have wanted to go for a long time.
Scott, I know for a fact someone sent you an email a few days ago asking about your picking schedule of shows where he might go and hear and meet you. Your gospel CD prompted this.
Since he received no reply he assumed of course the obvious.
No matter you can usually sooner or later find a clue or two here on the forum.
This week end
Scott Henderson at KSGA Route 66 Show / Baxter Springs Ks/Little Brick Inn

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 9:54 am
by Scott Henderson
Sorry about that... I've been swamped this week with my alter ego,"The REALTOR". Look forward to meeting you....

Posted: 1 Oct 2009 12:07 pm
by Dana Stewart
We are excited about getting the show kicked off tomorrow. Glad to see everyone else is just as excited as we are.

Scotty, Randy said that better be on the list if you want a burger and some smoked chicken. LOL

Posted: 2 Oct 2009 4:22 am
by ray qualls
TODAY is the DAY!

Posted: 3 Oct 2009 4:20 am
by Scott Henderson
Headin that way in a bit...
Give it a BUMP!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 3 Oct 2009 5:58 am
by Ray Campbell
Scotty, it isn't hard to find Baxter Springs. You don't have to go down to Mansfield to start like you did when you and Ronnie went to Cape a couple of years ago. Anyway, good luck to you in Kansas.