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New Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons recording

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 11:24 am
by Dave A. Burley
During the seventies I promoted many steel guitar shows. Many of those shows were recorded. I had two projects recorded that were mixed down and sent to a pressing plant in Nashville, Tenn. Somehow, the plant lost them. Much to my surprise and delight, some of these tapes recently surfaced from the original recording studio that recorded them for me.
I had Buddy Emmons, Jimmy Bryant and Johnny Gore do one of those sessions at Rogers Musicland in Muskegon, Michgan. I just got it two weeks ago and I must say, it is good. I plan to release it by mid November as soon as I get the particulars out of the way.
The first part of the CD will feature Jimmy Bryant and his guitar. Jimmy sat on the stage there at the music store for around six minutes and just noodled around with some of the greatest impromtu playing you might ever hear. Yep...Just Jimmy and his guitar.
One of the songs features Buddy and Jimmy swapping fours. Can you imagine the blazing speed of Jimmy Bryant being answered by the blazing speed of Buddy Emmons? It sent chills up my spine and and does everytime I listen to it which has been about 50 times. Other cuts feature Jimmy, Buddy and Johnny Gore paying twin and triple harmony. All new stuff.
This entire session was all impromtu so I have left everything in....all the chatter......... Johnny telling everyone, before a live audience, that he had to go to the bathroom, Johnny telling Bryant that if he can't cut it to just lay out followed by much laughter. This was recorded early afternoon, much to early for all the pickers but they did produce.
The album, 'It's The First Time' is also almost ready to be re-released on CD. Also several of the Cavalcade Of Guitars recordings from the Longhorn Ballroom have been mastered and should be released by the first of next year. We will be setting up a site where all of these products can be ordered. Right now I will be taking orders for the 'It's The First Time' CD and the Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons/Johnny Gore CD.
It's been a long road to get to this point. There is a very important reason for the 33 year delay of the Cavalcade Of Guitars release that we will explain later.
Dave Burley

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 12:06 pm
by Dave Biller
I gotta have it. Where do I sign up? Details please.................. :whoa:

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 12:25 pm
by Daniel Foster

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 6:14 pm
by Jody Sanders
Hi Dave, this will be a MUST!!! for everybody. Keep us posted as to when it will be ready. Jody.

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 6:28 pm
by Fred Jack
Hello Dave,
One of these is a must for me too. Fred

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 6:33 pm
by Jim Cohen
Yes, please! :) :)

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 9:35 pm
by Jussi Huhtakangas
Oh yes, a copy for me too, please!!

Posted: 21 Sep 2009 10:02 pm
by Steve Alcott
Me too.

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 7:03 am
by Bill Hatcher
Is that Johnny Gore who lived and played guitar around the Birmingham area for so long?

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 7:24 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
i'm in fer a copy

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 7:30 am
by James Lutz
Send me the details, I'm in.

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 8:47 am
by Roger Rettig
ME TOO!!! :D :D :D

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 9:42 am
by Daniel Foster
Daniel Foster wrote:Amazing!
I mean....I'm in, please!

Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 9:46 am
by Dave A. Burley
To answer Bill Hatcher's question....No, this Johnny Gore is not the guitar player. This Johnny Gore was on most of my recordings and was a sax player. All the steel players liked working with Johnny because of his humor and his improv talents. Johnny worked with Mel Tillis for many year's until he passed away about 5 or 6 years ago.
Thanks for the question,
Dave A. Burley

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 11:55 am
by Ken Byng
I have my hand up too. I bought one of the first vinyl copies of Its The First Time. Cant wait to get both of these CD's.

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 12:56 pm
by Brint Hannay
Count me in, too!

Jimmy and Buddy CD's

Posted: 22 Sep 2009 5:17 pm
by Bernie Gonyea
:whoa: :whoa: :whoa:

Dave : Definitely ; I, too, would like these two CD's you are taking orders for..Bernie :roll: :D :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 2:01 pm
by Alan Tanner Thanks


Posted: 23 Sep 2009 2:27 pm
by David Hartley
I need this one too when available, Please keep us all updated..

David Hartley

Posted: 23 Sep 2009 6:59 pm
by Todd Clinesmith
Count me in on this one. Can't wait to hear it.

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 8:19 am
by Mike Neer
I need it.

Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons

Posted: 24 Sep 2009 9:07 am
by Dave A. Burley
I have a few pictures of the Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons session. I need more. I know several of the Muskegon area pickers were at the session and many took pictures. I also need pictures from any of the Jamfests that I produced during the mid-seventies. Mainly I need pictures of the Cavalcade Of Guitars recorded at Dewey's Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas, Texas. Any help appreciated.

Jimmy Bryant/Buddy Emmons

Posted: 5 Nov 2009 7:55 pm
by Dave A. Burley
I just got word today that the cd, 'Jimmy Bryant and Buddy Emmons live at Rogers Musicland', which was recorded in Muskegon, Michigan will be ready for release December 1st.
This is a great cd. It features Buddy and Jimmy jamming along with Johnny Gore. It's a live recording so I have decided to leave most everything in as it happened, applause, talk, tuning and etc.
The first six minutes of the cd feature Jimmy Bryant tuning and just noodling around on his guitar by himself. The man was absolutely great and you will be amazed by his improv talents. Lot's of background chatter which will be included so you can listen to this cd and enjoy it almost as if you were there in person. A couple of the tunes feature Jimmy, Johnny and Buddy playing fast three part harmonies. Jimmy and Buddy trade some eights in the tune, Undecided, and it's amazing how Buddy will answer Jimmy's speed with the great Buddy Emmons speed. This cd was mastered from a 33 year old tape and it sound's almost as if it was recorded yesterday. Thanks,
Dave A. Burley

Cavalcade Of Guitars

Posted: 5 Nov 2009 8:37 pm
by Roger Shackelton

I missed the "Cavalcade of Guitars" in Dallas in 1976 & had almost given up hope that these recordings
would ever be released.

The fact that you were able to assemble all these guitarists and steel players in one location seems to have been quite a miracle in itself.

Thanks for your tenacity in keeping your dream alive to get these priceless recordings out to all of us.


Posted: 5 Nov 2009 9:16 pm
by Ray Harrison
Dave, I'm over here in the far back corner waving frantically for me to be on the list for a copy. Just keep looking, you'll see me.