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Dekley the Difference in "Oddball # 2 "

Posted: 9 Sep 2009 10:52 am
by Scott Howard
I have the second Dekley converted and noticed a bunch of changes in the guitars. These are both great guitars but which came first ?

The first one I did had the screw in rear bushings ( a great idea ) I think these are the first ones . Along with that I noticed the keyway along the cross rod. The pedal bar bolts on and the fret board is as wide as the neck at the pickup end. The blocks that bolt to the rear for the knee reversing pivots / lever stops only has one hole for a rod.The pedal conectors and knee lever mounts are like a bunch of thin steel plates welded together.Double raise / lower changer . Front name plates are different as well.

The second one has a rear panel that bolts on with six screws. The cross rods are solid round but the bellcranks still have the slot for the keyway. The pedal bar has the slide and tighten plate type. The fret board is the same width all the way down. The blocks that bolt to the rear have 2 holes and are not interchangable because of the bolt pattern. The pedal and knee lever mounts are aluminum . This one is also drilled for 11 pedals and with me having to reverse the pedals to the other end it made it a simple job. Odd note it has 11 Triple raise / 1 double raise and all double lower changer.

The rear plate was gone on this one and I made a pad/plate combo out of a 2" aluminum angle . I bout a carbon fiber decal to cover the angle with. The owner has since found the panel. I have it on loan but would like to keep it.

Both sound and play great I am guessing the changes helped production time and or cost. They have to be one of the best buys in a used steel today. I used enough MSA parts to get it going ( bell cranks ,knee lever, bushings) and have a couple of pedals and knee levers ordered to finish them up.


Posted: 10 Sep 2009 6:20 pm
by Scott Howard
Can you define the slimline term . I keep hearing it but I am not sure what is meant by it. What other models are there ?

The only other ones I have seen are the student guitars. I have seen in person 4 Dekleys total. 2 were single necks , a 10 string (lost in a house fire shortly after I sold it ),
and a 12 string ( OddBall 2), and the single on a double frame (OddBall 1 the SD-12 Bought from Ebay for 745.00 ) and I have owned 3 of the 4 at one time or another. I currently do not own the single 12 pictured , Yet. The only one I didn't own was the student model . Thanks

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 11:42 pm
by Scott Howard
My SD-12 is close to your guitar . It has the older style end caps and the pedal stops are on the connector . However the pedals are like the newer and the ball is on the side. I also notice the same trim on the neck and it looks as if the fret board stays the full width of the neck.

The single 12 does have the woodgrain on the different style endcaps. It also has a rail added to the front with the holes tapped for the pedal stops.