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Steve Wood

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2009 10:44 pm    
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Might someone suggest some instructional material that deals with lever usage (beyond Mr. Newman's courses)?
Im stuck.
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Steve Norman

Seattle Washington, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 12:01 am    
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which levers? the a pedal + f lever( raises e>f) is your major chord 3 frets up from open (c is open on 8, a/f on 11)

the lever that drops the e string makes a minor chord, on fret 8 it turns a cmaj into an e minor(IIIchord) so 2 frets down is the iiminor . push b with that drop on fret 8 and its g7 (v chord)

the lever that drops string 6 plus the lever that drops string 4 make a g major on fret 8

the lever that raises string 1 makes a unison with string 3 on my guitar, but on some its only a have step raise.

the string 2 whole step drop makes a unison with string 5. this is a cool preload as it releases well in to a v chord by adding string 1 after the release.

If you have the lever that dops string 9, play a chord using ab pedals and add string 9, then lever down to solve it.

many more, hope this helps
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Steve Norman

Seattle Washington, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 12:04 am    
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sorry just realised you where asking for material, the anthology of pedal steel (scotty's has it) breaks down the levers, and has a bunch of great songs with examples to nail it in.
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 5:57 am    
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I second that book of Scotty's.
I never really had a firm grip on the use of levers until I got Scotty's book.
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Steve Wood

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 11:50 am     levers...
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hey guys,
thanks for your help!does the soctty book deal above and beyond raising and lowering the Es?
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Steve Norman

Seattle Washington, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 12:54 pm    
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yes, it goes into at least 3, F,D, and G levers if I remember right. The key is that it has so many great songs with examples of what you just learned that you start getting when to use them real quick. This book is awesome, but make sure you get the cd as well!
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Steve Norman

Seattle Washington, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2009 1:10 pm    
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what is your copedant? If I can find my copy I will tell you what his levers do. The big problem I had if I remember right is that old books have different levers than what I have.

I remember his G lever is only a half step raise, mine is a whole step. so the g lever lesson was not useful to me

But in playing through the songs there are uses of the levers in action that made more sense to me than just being, "heres a 7th chord" etc. For example it has Londonderry Aire (or just Derryaire for us of Catholic Irish decent Wink by Buddy Emmons which has an example of his unison note spliting.

His examples of 2nd string raises really helped me understand not only that lever, but the usefulness of the 2nd string itself. That lead to an understanding of strings 1 and 2, and the levers that control both etc.

His G lever is only a half step raise, mine is a whole step. so the g lever was not useful to me
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2009 6:35 am    
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I still raise my 1st and 7th string from F# to G.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2009 6:44 am    
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For raising the high F# to G#, along with raising the 2nd string from D# to E, this is a "Franklin" change and Paul sells an instruction course on how to use it effectively.
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