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Author Topic:  My ISGA / Nashv / Memphis holiday....
David Hartley


Post  Posted 3 Oct 2009 2:38 am    
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Hi all. I would just like to say thanks to Scotty and all the other people involved with this great festival. I had a wonderful time there. As you know, it was my first visit there. I will definately be coming back in the future.

The hotel was great too. On my first day there, myself and Tammy went up in the Arch..

Here's the view from the top...

We met Charles and Denise Tyron and spent a few days with them, we visited Graceland with them...

We all went to the Station Inn, Nashville that night too. . .

Fran with Paul...

I must add at this piont I can honestly say that this was the finest band I have ever seen. Pauls playing was fantastic as always, and you have never seen the Time Jumpers, you must do so soon!

The next day we visited Bobbe Seymours shop. . .

Met Smiley Roberts for lunch, and he took us up the road to show us where Jonny Cash's old house was, that burnt down...

We had 2 x nights at the Gaylord Srings Opryland hotel. For anyone who has not seen this place, I thoroughly recommend this too! We had a night at the Grand Old Opry and saw Gene Watson, Mel Tillis, and others too, finishing off with the backstage tour. Here's Fran on the circle of staging cut from the old Ryman theatre..

Follow this we moved on to visit Bill Stroud who made us very welcome indeed. Thank you so much for everything you done for us.. Here's Bill on his universal Sierra (I was playing his Mullen)..

We drove back to Chicago on the Saturday for our Sunday flight home. The only room left in the Comfort Inn was the Honeymoon suite! Ha..

It was a 'Hawaiian themed room'.

Thank you everyone for making it a very special holiday for us both,
until the next time,

David and Fran..
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Bill Stroud


Dresden, Tennessee, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Oct 2009 5:41 pm     Good Friends
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I'm so glad you enjoyed your first visit to Scotty's Convention, and your visit to Graceland, Nashville is always a great place to visit,Station Inn is a must, and it was a treat for you and Fran to come by and visit us.
You guys are always welcome anytime you want to visit us.
Maybe sometime in the future we can go to Branson Mo and check that out, I think you would really like that.
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