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4th Pedal Location & Uses - Ideas Please

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 3:09 am
by Don Sulesky
I will soon be having a custom SD-10 made for me by Mike Weenick.

My question is I'm thinking of adding the 4th pedal.
What are the advantages of having it in the 0 vs. 4th position if I was thinking of maybe using the Franklin changes such as B to A on string 5 and G# to F# on string 6?

Also if you have any other ideas and their uses I'm open to suggestions.

Point of note:
I lower my E's on RKL & raise 1 to G# & 2 to E and 6 lower to G with LKR.
The rest is standard.
Thanks ahead of time.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 8:09 am
by Tony Prior
Hey Don, I have had the 4th ped in both the 4th position and at now at the 0 position.. For me, and I use this change often, I find the 0 Ped position ( left of the A pedal) to be most natural . I use 0 Ped position in and out with the AB peds all the time.When it was at the 4th postion ( right of the C Pedal) It felt awkward to me and I kept missing it .

Now, after all is said and done, I now recognize the value of splitting this change across a knee lever and a pedal, 6 string full tone drop on a lever and 5 and 10 full tone drop on a pedal. I can see countless opportunities for that 6 string full tone drop being all by it's lonesome.



Posted: 23 Aug 2009 9:12 am
by John De Maille
This post should be tacked on to Calvin's post, eh ?

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 9:38 am
by Don Sulesky

Thanks for your opinion & suggestion.
I also enjoy you videos on the web.
Real nice playing on them.

John you may be right but I am intersted in the 4th pedal uses not if 3 or 4 was enough.

I was trying to put another spin on it.
Like I mentioned in the 0 or 4th position.


Posted: 23 Aug 2009 10:01 am
by John De Maille
You're right! I was making a comical statement to a valid one by you, sorry. Your post just goes to prove the validity of some of the posts on Calvin's post. I hope there's no harm or foul done. It wasn't meant that way.
BTW- I'd put the Franklin change on the 0 pedal.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 12:04 pm
by Ralph Donahue
Hi Don
I play a single 10 carter and I have the franklin pedal on 0,also I lower the 6th string 2 frets and raise 1-2frets and raise 2-1 fret all on the right knee left,I like this setup and it works good for me

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 12:34 pm
by Don Sulesky
No harm done buddy.
I knew where you were coming from. :D

Thanks a bunch guys that's the direction I was heading in also but wanted to hear from others.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009 3:36 pm
by Bill Ford
Franklin pedal on 0...Bill

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 5:20 am
by Jerry Hayes
On pedal "O" I use the "Brumley Pedal" which raises the 7th string F# to G# and any other string of your choice with it. It's like having an "A" pedal when you're in B6th with the Es lowered.

Another very useful change is lowering the G# strings to G on the "O" pedal. I had that for awhile but like the "Brumley" pedal better. On my steel I lower my 11th string G# to F# along with the raise on string 7.......JH in Va.

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 2:36 pm
by Max W. Thompson
The 4th pedal on my psg lowers the 9th string D to a C#. It was that way when I got it (used) and I haven't changed it yet. How is that useful? Well, since the other pedals are up in Day, the A pedal is right next to the 4th pedal and if you press them both you get a really full vi (C#m) chord without having to avoid the 9th string. I haven't figured out much else to do with it. I'm sure there are other folks on here who have a clue as to what else that change is good for.

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 3:49 pm
by Bo Borland
Don, Paul's cd on the use and explaination of the pedal is very good, it's a great play to start.
Mine is at the 4 position, but it could have been at 0 when I started with it.

Posted: 24 Aug 2009 4:23 pm
by Mark van Allen
What Tony said on this one. I have the Franklin change split with G# to F# on a knee, and it's great by itself and with the 5th and 10th lowers. A very useful, beautiful change, not just a "lick" lever.
The pedal works a lot better in 0 position for me.

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 3:01 am
by Don Sulesky
That to me makes sense since I don't like splits.
I lower my 6th string G# to G for the 1 minor and use that change quite often.
Having to feel the split to me is a challenge.
I'm having them put on my new steel, but may not use them if I can get them with pedal 0.
Thanks for all the ideas guys.
It is just what I was looking for.

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 2:14 pm
by George Brown
Just recently, I asked the question about where to locate the Franklin Pedal, as I just got my first guitar with one. The general consensous of the other pickers seemed to be (Emmons setup = 0 position), and (Day setup = 4 position). I play the Day setup, and Position 4 seems to work fine. Now, if I can learn to use the cotton picking thing.

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 12:57 pm
by Fred Glave
Why does it work better on 0 pedal rather than pedal 4? Paul Franklin has it on pedal 4.


Posted: 27 Aug 2009 5:32 am
by Ernest Cawby
Talking to Paul in Dallas he said Emmons sewtup put it in O, for day use 4th pedal, could be he knows what he is talking about. Mine is at the O spot on my Weenick, Don,


Posted: 27 Aug 2009 8:47 am
by Fred Glave
Ernest That's what I've heard too, but Paul Franklin uses the Emmons setup and he has his on the 4th pedal.

Posted: 27 Aug 2009 10:17 am
by Jeff Colson
Paul has his at pedal 4 and leaves it there cause he is used to it. It would be easiest to have at position 0 as stated by him but why change. I have it on pedal 4 also and once you get used to your foot traveling over there it's not that bad even on quick stuff.


Posted: 28 Aug 2009 1:21 am
by Des Hetherington
Hi Mine is on 4,the way it was when i brought it, raises ist string F# to G# and second string Eb to E, just a rank amauture here, but love it,

Posted: 28 Aug 2009 5:16 am
by Fred Glave
I'm seriously thinking about scavanging the 4th pedal off of my C6 neck to convert it to the Franklin Pedal on E9 neck. If I raise the height of pedal 4 a tad, would that make it easier?

Posted: 28 Aug 2009 10:09 am
by Jeff Colson
When I first installed the Franklin change I grabbed the 4th pedal from C6th since I rarely ever used it and I've never missed it. Raising that pedal up a tad is an easy way to help find it when your not used to it. Once you get used to that pedal in that position it's second nature.
