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Author Topic:  iStrobosoft app for iPhone
Phil Halton

Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2009 6:08 pm    
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Well, this is cool. I just started using an iPhone 3G S, because they're now fully accessible to the blind. Apple built their screen reader "VoiceOver" into the iPhone's OS, and now there's a big rush of blind people using the iPhone 3G S.

I'd like to try out the peterson iStrobosoft app, but there's a hitch... not all apps are made with VoiceOver in mind with the result that some apps can't really be used by the blind, while others can--it all depends on the way the developer writes their code.

If I could get the app to speak aloud the cents reading, I'd be in good shape and could use this app. So here's a question, is anyone out there using this app on a iPhone 3
G S? Its got to be a 3G S because that's the only model with the VoiceOver screen reader built-in.

If so, would you care to turn on the screen reader on your phone and test out the iStrobosoft and report your results?

I don't want to spend the $10 to find out that the app's inaccessible--it would only take a few minutes (okay, about a half hour or so) of your timne and you'd learn a thing or two about the screen reader.

I know its a long shot, but if interested, contact me off-list at:

Disclaimer! I make no warranty on the manure I've been spreadin' around here.
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