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SSSGC (AR) meeting

Posted: 12 Aug 2009 10:38 pm
by Lynn Carney
At the SSSGC meeting Sunday, the group elected to keep the existing officers.

Congrats to President - Norma Jean Lucas; Vice-President - Larry Garrett; and Treasurer - Virgil Pittman.

Welcome to our newest member, Chuck Huffman.

See ya next month! :)

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 3:48 am
by Chuck Huffman
Lynn and Gang,
Thanks so much for allowing me to enter the SSSGC. I had a great time and the music well, was music to my ears. I look forward to the next meeting and jam. I'm still trying to find a teacher for some one on one lessons if anyone has someone in mind please let me know.

Thanks again,

Chuck :D

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 7:15 am
by Roy Rosetta
Congratulations to Norma Jean, Larry and Virgil glad you're all back again with this great club. I suppose there are lot's of people that feel the same way we do "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Good luck this coming year and we're looking forward to seeing all of you in April.
...Roy and Barbara
P.S. What a great publicity person you're blessed with in Lynn Carney.

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 8:03 am
by ray qualls
Congrats to the ladies and guys from all the members of the KSGA. I'm really proud of this club for hanging in there all these years and maintaining a high level of professionalism. "Didn't think I knew those big words did you?" :lol: Thanks Lynn for posting and thanks to Norma Jean, Larry Garrett and Virgil Pittman for holding it together. Ray

Posted: 13 Aug 2009 12:47 pm
by Lynn Carney
Chuck, we're delighted to have you join us. Thanks, Ray, for your kind words. We're looking forward to seeing you guys at our meetings. :)

Roy and Barbara, we count you among our treasures. Thank you for your encouragement and the gifts of your remarkable talent and friendship. Yes - the club locked that door and threw away the key - :D I'm back on board for another year.

The SSSGC is looking ahead to another year of great music and good times with our musical family. Thanks to everyone who reads our posts and blesses us with wit and wisdom, friendship and support.

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 6:16 am
by Norma Jean Lucas
Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. Lynn, we weren't born on a turnip wagon, we know you are one in a million! :D As I've always said it takes everyone to keep a club going. It's a lot of hard work but the friendship makes it all worth while. Roy and Barbara, the good Lord willing I'll see ya all in Baxter Springs, Ks in October.