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James Kerr


Scotland, UK
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2009 9:46 am    
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Here is the first recording from my new Twin Neck Guitar, I have a bit of an ear infection right now so I hope you will forgive any intonation problems.

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Morgan Scoggins


Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2009 6:45 am    
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Hi James,
Nice work on the non pedal steel. I like the way you pretty much stick to the simple melody, with a few fills.I was interested in what tuning you are using and what kind of back up tracks you are using.
I play non pedal steel and use mostly E13 tuning so I can sound like Don Helms and play all of those "bluesy" licks and chords like Don did when he played for Hank.I am kind of new at the electronic side of music and would like to learn how I can get some good backup tracks to Hanks songs.
By the way, What kind of lap steel is that?
"Shoot low boys, the're ridin' Shetlands"
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James Kerr


Scotland, UK
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2009 8:54 am    
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The tuning I used on that recording was C6 - high to low GECAGE, which I use quite often, but I have used various tunings for other songs.

I use Midi Files for backup, you can find those all over the Net, just put the song title you want into Google folowed by the Midi word (Cheatin Heart midi) and Google will find them for you, there are also dedicated Midi Search engines which will do the same. Once you have downloaded (free) the Midi File, you need a program to play it, there are free programs, but I use Bandstand by Native Instruments to play the Midi File and convert it into an MP3. I then load this MP3 into Adobe Audition 2 and then record my steel track.

If all that is too much, just request any track I have recorded and I will send you an MP3 of the backing, if its not one I have recorded tell me the title and I will try to obtain it for you.

The instrument I'm playing was made by me, I make all my own Instruments, here are photos of the Guitars I have at present, made by myself.


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