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Steelin for Diabetes

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 1:48 am
by Rusty Hurse
I am just wondering how many of you that are on the forum are diabetic.The reason I ask is that sometime in the future I was planning to have a steel guitar show and donate the money to the American Diabetes Association.This is something that is just in the planning stages as I am in the process of moving back to Nashville in June.I thought it would be nice to get with players who would like to do this and everyone come and have a great time.I was thinking of maybe between the Dallas show and St. Louis show as not to interfere with them.I would like to have your input into this and also some help with planning.I would like all of you to comment and tell me if you think this would work and anyone who would like to be involved.I have had this disease for a long time now and it is just a silent killer so to speak. There has been major improvements in this disease over the past years and it is looking better all the time. It takes money for research but if you or any of your family has this disease, you know that it is going for a great cause. I lost my father and my grandparent to this disease, and I have severe diabetes myself.If it had not been for the steel guitar though I would not have gotton my medical education or college education.That old steel guitar paid for alot of books and knowledge, and thinking back just how many lives it saved.I owe the steelguitar alot of credit because without it I would never have been able to further my education and become a physician.Just think A steel guitar can save lives and I will tell you this and the people that do know me.That guitar saved a many of lives many times.Now it is time for the steel guitar to save somemore lives and help with the diabetic research.Please feel free to help with this in a planning stage.

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 6:47 am
by Ed Naylor
I will help any way I can. I am a Diabetic{When I was taken to the Hospital my sugar was 988} I was unaware of a problem. Since then I am doing fine except some {Lows} occasionally.I also have Cardyomyophia with 21% use of my heart. Beleive it or not the Animals I have rescued and care for have caused me to take a different look at life. I have lots of contacts and this could be a good cause to persue. My computer is down but I can be reached at 1-800-749-3363 Ed Naylor Steel Guitar Works.

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 10:03 am
by pdl20
Got Type 11,have it under conrol with diet(no sugar) and exercise.this stuff is serious and a lot of us biskett board players ain't in the greatist of condition.Arnold whats his name we ain' guys get tested for don't hurt.


Posted: 21 Feb 2002 3:19 pm
by Richard Bass
Rusty, count me in. I also have type II, I control it with a pill and diet. Of course I need to really get serious on the diet part. I'll be glad to help anyway I can.
Remember, I told you I wasn't feeling good years ago. Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Richard Bass on 21 February 2002 at 03:21 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Richard Bass on 21 February 2002 at 03:22 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 3:39 pm
by Warren Frid
You can definitely count me in. Be sure and have your kidney and liver functions checked regularly also. Diabetes can really mess these up-----and then comes the dyalasis,vision impairment etc. You don't have to be overweight to get Type 11

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 5:53 pm
by Mike Sigler
Have had it now about 3years, Now starting to effect my feet some, and hands as well. Runs about 32o most of the time.
Will help with your show anyway possible.

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 8:08 pm
by Vance Monday
I too will do what I can to help. I have type II and have it pretty much under control with diet, exercise, and medication. I am new to the Forum. I play steel for a couple of Opry shows in Missouri and Iowa.

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 8:19 pm
by Ken Lang
Yea, me too. Type 2 diagnosed about 10 years ago. 2 pills a day. So far, no problems. 4 years away from Waylons age and bless his soul, I'd rather not share his fate. Count me in for support, if not for presence.

Posted: 21 Feb 2002 9:27 pm
by B. Greg Jones
If I can get away from Renfro Valley, I would like to be involved too. I have been insulin dependent for 28 years, since I was 8 yrs. old. Keep us posted!!!


Posted: 23 Feb 2002 6:25 am
by Bob Cox
My father "Murdock The 3rd" steel player and steel guitar pioneer,passed on several years back from diabetic complications.I am in full support of this endevor.Mrtle Beach, is a great location.The women can sun their buns and the steelers can raise the funds.

Posted: 23 Feb 2002 2:10 pm
by Bob Hayes
DIDO Here Type II. Found out about six years ago. My sister went to the lord in 1973..insulin did my older brother. My mother is leagaly blind now. I live in East Tennesee..Tri cities area. Some of my musician friends have been thinking about Tri Cities Steel Jam II..taking place in the Brisol Tn/Va area. We could posibley incorperate that with the Diabeties Assn. We are hoping to get some Hall of Fame pickers.Have touched base with a few ..and it seemed positive!. Since the great Smokey Mnt Jam has gone by the way side, I feel that there is a need and a sincere feeling for a good steel jam/show in this area, and the Diabeteis aspect is something worthy to work on. Get back to me!!
Bob Hayes

Posted: 24 Feb 2002 5:51 pm
by Dennis Atkins
I too am Type II diabetic, and have been for 13 years. Take insulin daily and pills. Will be moving to Colorado, and would like to help if I can. This cause is well worth any type of benefit that can be used to inform people of this illness, and how it affects your life, as well as other members in your family. My mother and older sister were also diabetic, and their early deaths, Mom at 58 and my sister at 42, were both from some complication related to this illness. I hope that many people will get involved somehow in this cause and let the community know that it is controllable, and people can live healthy and productive lives.

Let get some thing going and let me know how I can help.

Thanks for the idea.


MSA S-10 Sidekick
Gorilla Amp with MR-1 Effects Processor
visit our web page for Minnesota Steel Guitar Association

Posted: 25 Feb 2002 12:55 pm
by Robert Todd
Count me in! I've been Type I for over 45 years now, and still going fairly strong. It's all cobntrol of sugar level keeping it at or below 120 and above 80. Sounds easy, but is darn hard.

Posted: 2 Mar 2002 7:21 pm
by Jeff Coffell
Me too, type two. Anything to help.


Posted: 8 Mar 2002 6:25 am
by Kenny Yates
I'm type II, will do what I can...a really worthy Cause.

Keep your carbohydrates down......Ken

Posted: 8 Mar 2002 7:07 am
by Hap Young
Type II here. In control with pills and insulin.Glad to help if I can.

Posted: 8 Mar 2002 9:09 am
by Leigh Howell
You've got to bring that number down!320 is way to high!! I've had type 2 for about ten years, and I stay around 118, to 190. Rusty. You can count on me for support.

Leigh<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Leigh Howell on 08 March 2002 at 09:12 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 8 Mar 2002 3:40 pm
by Sunny Callen
Type II - controlled with medication & diet - will support however I can.

Posted: 8 Mar 2002 6:34 pm
by Bob Hempker
I would like to help, also if I'm not working. I don't have diabetes, but my mother died from complications of diabetes. My wife has diabetes, also. I would like to see this terrible disease conquered sometime in my lifetime.


Posted: 9 Mar 2002 5:45 am
by Rusty Hurse
Thanks guys for the support and keep those cards and letters comning. I was thinking of having this in Nashville maybe next year but if everyone would like to think about Myrtle Beach this is a great place too. I have been out of town this week so I was glad to see more responses when I got back home.

Posted: 10 Mar 2002 11:14 am
by Bob Hayes
Mertle Beach is great...but so is Bristol Tn/Virg. After all Bristol is THE Rightful Home of the beginings of counrty music with teh early recordings of AP Carter and Jimmy Rogers..The steel Guitar is another matter.
Who knows? But We are trying to organize a steel Jam in the Bristol area with part of the proceds going to the Diabeties Organization. We already have a number of "Headliners" who have indicated an interest in attending and performing if the time and schedueling permit.We are looking at option locations in the Tri Cities area that would provide a good venue facility,as well as lodging, and dinning. We welcome ANY feed back and advise for this 2nd TriCities Steel Jam which will be titled "Steelin' for Diabeties at Bristol" Untill we can get a web site up..please address or contact Bob Hayes @..""

Posted: 10 Mar 2002 5:45 pm
by Jimmy Campbell
Count me in also.
I have Type II, take 2 pills a day and try and watch what I eat, but it is so hard.

Posted: 15 Mar 2002 4:35 am
by Rex Blevins
If you come up with a proposal for an event & good documentation for utilizing the funds, I would be glad to approach the Product Manager of the Diabetes section of my company and ask them to consider some degree of sponsorship or a grant to help. I work for the maker of the products Diabeta, Amaryl and the new insulin Lantus. Sometimes we can convince these people to help. Let me know.

Posted: 18 Mar 2002 4:17 am
by Claude Brownell
Rusty, I have had type 11 for 6 years, I will be glad to come up from Florida and be on the show, I will do what I can. I at one time lived just outside Nashvile when I was on Hawkshaws pay roll, did some work with Billy Grammer and later a few others. contact me at