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Age of those playing less than 5 years

Posted: 31 May 2009 6:35 pm
by Whip Lashaway
I'm posting this for someone else. He is interested in the age of those who have been playing for less than 5 years. It's kind of a follow up to a poll I ran awhile back.

Posted: 31 May 2009 6:49 pm
by Mike Dudash
I am in the smaller of the 2 percentages but am glad to see that there are others within my age group that want to keep this going. I am currently 33 and can only hope to someday play like many of you. As a matter of fact I will be getting my first pedal steel in the morning. I feel like a kid at Christmas!!!

Posted: 31 May 2009 7:02 pm
by Chris Buchanan
5 years till I'm no longer a newbie? Man, that's harsh. I thought I was doing good. By the way, saw Poco tonight. Rusty Young sounded good on steel and Dobro.

Posted: 1 Jun 2009 3:06 am
by John Branston
Just crept in at 39 and 5 months! :-)

Posted: 1 Jun 2009 3:49 am
by Jim Walker
I'm 40, Been on steel 3 years now and lucky to be in one of the best bands in southern Alabama for almost 2 years.



Posted: 1 Jun 2009 7:28 pm
by Bobby Hearn
I'm 37, been playin for 2yrs 8months playin steel in a band for 2yrs. Rains D-10 Nashville 400.[/list]

Posted: 3 Jun 2009 1:26 pm
by Whip Lashaway
I started this for someone else but I find this really interesting. Way over half started playing over 50 years of age. Only 30% are under 30 and nobody under 20. If this is any kind of indicator then we might be seeing the end of the ERA of Steel Guitar. I know this isn't a scientific survey but still, I find this a little disturbing. What do you think?

Posted: 3 Jun 2009 1:50 pm
by Brian Kurlychek
Well, were not six stringers, so I would guess that's about right. I mean who under 20 can afford to buy a steel? People in that category may be longing for a steel but may never get the chance, or it may take them until the thirties to be able to afford one.

Posted: 4 Jun 2009 8:48 am
by Steve Broatch
You're right Brian. I always admired pedal steel from afar when I was younger. Didn't even consider the possibility that I might be able to afford one until my late twenties.

Posted: 4 Jun 2009 9:10 am
by Joel Meredith
I'm 23, been playing since I was ~ 19

...whoa...who knew?....

Posted: 5 Jun 2009 12:40 pm
by John Hopkin
...i'm amazed that 59% of the respondents are at an age where high blood-pressure is ALREADY a concern--forget trying to learn steel on top of that...i also just learned that it's called "steel guitar" because all of the four-letter words were taken...i could be wrong...

Posted: 5 Jun 2009 6:12 pm
by Brick Spieth
Funny you should mention blood pressure, because high blood pressure is a huge part of me taking up this dang thing. I was taking a bunch of meds, one of which caused my fingertips to go numb after about ten minutes on a six string.

I have to play something, so decided to give PSG a try. By the time I figured out the med situation, I was hooked. I'm looking at about a year now.

How long before I can dump the newbie thing and graduate to just being a hack?

Posted: 5 Jun 2009 7:25 pm
by Calvin Walley
well guys i hate to tell you,
but i'm starting my 7th year playing and my 5th guitar is due to arrive monday and i still consider myself a rookie haha
it makes sense when you think of how many forum members have been playing 30-50 years

two and half

Posted: 6 Jun 2009 12:22 pm
by Michael Matthews
I'm 4??? and started back about 2 and half years and can't get enough , love it , love it...I play a 04 royal precision mullins sd10...still learning!

over the hill & less than 5

Posted: 6 Jun 2009 1:58 pm
by Ron Frederiksen
I am to the point where I'll never be able to afford one but I am starting my 4th year and having a ball. Mullen D-10, Rains D-10

Posted: 7 Jun 2009 11:43 am
by Delvin Morgan
I am starting my 5th year on pedal steel, and enjoying every minuet with it. I am 62, you can teach old dogs new tricks! :lol:

Posted: 9 Jun 2009 1:10 am
by Tonu Timm
I'll be 45 at 17 of June this year, have played half an year and don't feel like it was too late to start. It just wasn't possible to get instrument earlier to this corner of the World.
But... ... highlight=