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Author Topic:  Steel seminar in Stockholm, Sweden
Anders Brundell

Falun, Sweden
Post  Posted 11 May 2009 11:51 am    
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Sweden's Mr Steel Guitar, Janne Lindgren, arranged a steel seminar in Stockholm, Sweden, may 9. Take a look at our little swedish steel forum at The pics will tell a story.

It became very successful despite just 28 attendants and 5 instructors, and we sure got a lot out of it. Just coming together is very inspiring and also very nice. It boosts everybody's playing and interest in practicing.
We are very few steel pickers up here compared to USA so we rarely get the opportunity to meet, but now we hope that Janne Lindgren can make this a tradition despite he's not 20 years anymore but a retiree due to age.

The classes were E9 novices, E9 advanced, C6 medium level and dobro.

The instructors were Janne Lindgren (performed on Scotty's convention many years ago), Ulf Sterling, and the two young but nevertheless very qualified pickers Niclas Widén and Daniel Wigstrand.

Look at pics at teachers Janne Lindgren and Ulf Sterling backing a singer. Niclas Widén, (at right at a Magnum single 10) E9 teacher and a hell of a picker after just 9 years of playing. Daniel Wigstrand, C6 teacher

Lots of americans can go out and listen to country music anytime, but over here up in nothwestern Europe country gigs are very scarce and therefore this kind of meetings are very important and rewarding, so this little event was a big deal for us.
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