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NTSGA December Meeting is Tues 12/11

Posted: 10 Dec 2001 1:06 pm
by Nick Reed
Our December meeting for the North Tennessee Steel Guitar Association will be Tuesday 12/11 - 7pm at the Old Country Buffet Restaurant on Gallatin Rd in Goodlettsville (across from Rivergate Mall). This will be election night for new 2002 Officers. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO VOTE! Only those NTSGA members attending the meeting will be allowed to vote. The club decided at last month's business meeting to allow NO absentee or over-the-phone voting (Sorry!). We will elect 5 new officers and the ballot should read as follows.

Jan Jones
David Spires
Tommy White (declined nomination)

Vice President:
Smiley Roberts
Joan Cox
Tim Filson

Claudette Spinks
Bill Crook
Stu Basore

Joan Cox
Dyna Collins
Marsha Basore

Sergant at Arms:
Bobbe Seymour
Big John Bechtal
Bob Collins
Johnny Cox

Hope to see all of you tommorrow night at the Country Buffet @ 7pm. Nick
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Nick Reed on 10 December 2001 at 01:08 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 6:46 am
by Joan Cox
I don't know if this is legal or not (I hope it is) but I would appreciate your vote in the Secretary category. I enjoy doing this job, and have been the Secretary for the club this past year. It seems to be a job not many want to do, but I do a lot of this type thing at work, and I know how to do it. So I would appreciate your vote. Thanks!
Joan Cox

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 9:27 am
by Mike Weirauch
I would like to add that Joan has done an EXCELLENT and very efficient job as secretary this past year. It's a job that everyone can't do but Joan does it superbly.

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 10:49 am
by Bob Knight
To All NTSGA members.
I agree with Mike 100%. I won't be attending the meeting due to illness, let's keep Joan as our secretary. She AND Johnny are invaluable assets to our club.

I also feel that Jan and Smiley will make a SUPER team as Pres. & VP.

Best Regards,
Bob<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bob Knight on 11 December 2001 at 10:51 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 11:07 am
by Joan Cox
Thanks Bob and Mike..I appreciate what you said. Let me add my support and say that I think Jan and Smiley would be a great president and vice-president for our club. Jan has volunteered whenever anything has been needed for our club and he attends all the meetings regularly. (Which is something we all need to keep in mind when making our choices). Jan has took the task of organizing a few of our SuperJams also, which is not easy. In fact, he's in charge of our next one in January! Smiley has supported our club also, and is always there to help with anything. And he's at every meeting too. They are both good working members, which is what our club needs. My vote goes to Jan and Smiley.
Joan Cox

P.S. My husband Johnny is running for Sergeant At Arms also Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Joan Cox on 11 December 2001 at 11:08 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 12:34 pm
by David Spires
Jan and Smiley make very good candidates for President and Vice President. For anyone who might be deciding at this late juncture and are not very familiar with me, I thought I would share a couple of points that I would pursue further if I were elected:

- Keep business meetings shorter and more effective.
- Personal invitations to other "star" players to ask for their involvement.
- More activities at the business meetings to encourage fun.
- Involve more of our members in "Jams"
- Encourage seminars / learning opportunities for our members.
- Improve our publicity, starting with the net.

I realize that these are not necessarily new ideas, but I think these are important areas to focus on: to keep things fun, keep everyone involved, and give us an opportunity to grow. As Nick Reed's VP/Tres. last year, and as Tres. this year, I know the amount of work it takes behind the scenes to keep things running, and I am ready to commit to that for the club.

Thank you for your consideration and support,

David Spires

Posted: 11 Dec 2001 4:51 pm
by Bob Putnam

I think you have done an excellent job this year. It shows in the monthly meeting minutes recaps shown in the quarterly newsletter. I wish I could make more meetings, but I get a good idea of the meeting from your minutes. Joan for Secretary!!!

Bob Putnam