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Tellin' it like it is

Posted: 3 May 2009 10:11 pm
by Bobby Bowman
After all these years of being a dedicated Push Pull fanatic (of which I will always probably be),,,I gotta' tell it like it really is,,,at least for me.
I've had my Mullen G2 for almost two months now and after some adjustments for it to "fit me like a glove" and doing my very best to get use to the new look and different "feel" of a modern all pull guitar,,,I must and have to say that it (the Mullen) just flat out beats up on the PP.
I kinda' like the sound of the PP better overall, but the sound of the G2 is right up there with it. The G2 has quiet a bit more sustain above the 12'th fret than the PP and it's pedal/lever action is shorter and in most cases, easier and probably a bit more solid in the stops. Not much, but just a little.
I'll probably experiment with a few different pick ups. Especially the new Alumitone pick up. These stock 19.5 ohm Mullen pick ups are very good as they are, but a lot of you know how it is about trying other pick ups.
For the first time I had both guitars on stage with me today and I really realized just how good both of them are in comparison to each other. But I have to give the "thumbs up" to the new G2. It is an amazing guitar in every respect.

ps: some of y'all will really know just how hard it is for me to say this, but I gotta' be honest about it.
The MULLEN G2,,,,is it perfect? Well probably not,,,,but it's pretty doggone close.

traitor,horse thief

Posted: 4 May 2009 4:29 am
by Jerry Tillman
traitor,horse thief.Send me your pushpulls ,I will give them a good home.You can get them back when you come to your senses. lakeshrk

Posted: 4 May 2009 6:29 am
by Larry Bell
IMHO, it takes longer than 2 mos for the 'newness' to wear off. It's human nature.

Once you've played it for 6 mos or more, please give us an update. I love a new guitar (have a new Show-Pro coming in a few months) and I've had a couple of all pulls I felt the same about. Many of them play better than my push pull -- all of them 'tweak' better -- but the push pull has that midrange thing that I hear in my sleep. It IS the sound of steel guitar to me and none of the others quite get it. I play all my guitars on gigs but the Emmons is the one I know will still be mine when I pass on.

Just an observation.

Posted: 4 May 2009 7:24 am
by Bobby Bowman
I'm in the same boat with you Larry. I'll probably never get rid of "Bugger Red". But as it stands now, I'll be playing the G2. It's a pretty easy guitar to get use to once I configured all the pedals and levers to my liking.
And I must say that the willingness of Del Mullen and his crew to help me has been outstandingly good. Added to this, Ms Dixie and all that she does just makes it better. WOW!, what a cook she is.

Posted: 4 May 2009 7:46 am
by Donny Hinson
I know Bobby is a fine player and builder, so I'll be the first to ask the question. Bobby, do you think you would, at any point, consider having the (much discussed) "tone mod" done on this guitar?

I'm curious about this, as I know some others may be, also. But I don't want to start a ruckus, so if you think the question is too volatile, e-mail me, and I'll delete it. :|

Posted: 4 May 2009 8:59 am
by Bobby Bowman
It's a fair question.
I doubt that I would,,,at least at this time. The reason being is that I, evidently like a lot of other folks, just don't know enough about or understand exactly what "the mod" is. I've only had one guitar in my shop that had it and I couldn't tell much difference from other guitars that I have here. I realize that's not being completely fair re to the mod question. I don't even know what the mod costs. I do know that some folks rave about the mod while others do not.
I'm way more interested in the Alumitone pick up at this time.

Posted: 4 May 2009 11:36 am
by Ron !
I think that a lot more people would decide to have this mod done if they only would know what the Mod really is.
Right now a lot of people are careful because of that fact.

Congrats on the G2 Bobby.


Push Pull

Posted: 4 May 2009 11:51 am
by Robert Harper
I don't know if it was a Push Pull, but i was at a show in Fulton
MS where after several numbers were done on various guitars,someone played an Emmons. Ther was quite a difference.

Now that I kept to the subject Love the avatar Ron

Posted: 4 May 2009 1:23 pm
by Donny Hinson
Thanks Bobby, that's a good answer. I know that if the G2 impresses you, it's gotta be a good guitar. I met Del back in the mid '70s, when he first started making guitars, and I even thought they were pretty good back then!

Posted: 4 May 2009 1:28 pm
by Nic du Toit
I was at the convention in St Louis (August 2008), and after visiting all the booths, I spent much time in the Mullins room.....drooling over the Mullins G2, for all the reasons you quoted. BTW my only other guitar is a 1970 D10 Emmons P/P..... (sigh!!!)
The Mullins would look good in my room.....Let me go and double check on my savings....

Posted: 4 May 2009 2:22 pm
by Paul E Vendemmia
Bobby you better go see Dr Phil !!!!
If I have to come down to Texas Let me Know !
WE can help you don't worry

Posted: 4 May 2009 8:14 pm
by Robbie Crabtree
Bobby, If you said it is good, then it is good. Maybe the next time I come to H-Town i could come by and hear you play it. Or should i say C-Town (Cypress) Take care my friend. Robbie Crabtree

Posted: 6 May 2009 12:09 pm
by Jody Cameron
Bobby, you sound good on anything, push pull, Mullen, whatever. jc

Posted: 6 May 2009 11:45 pm
by John Davis
Hey there Bobby, I was only unfaithfull to my "Blondie" Emmons one time :( But she took me back :? and now playing better than ever! :)
Get Toni to talk some sense into you!! When you coming over to the UK???? I got a spare room now I`ve moved house :)


Posted: 7 May 2009 4:28 am
by Jerry Tillman
Bobby I may have spoken to hastily when I said you were a traitor and horse thief for switching off your pushpull.Now that I,ve had a few days to think about it I would like to add poultry purveyor(chicken thief). your friend and fellow pushpull addict lakeshrk