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boss RV-3 pedal

Posted: 30 Apr 2009 7:28 am
by Francis Smyth
Anybody out there using one of these pedals.Some feedback please and the settings please. Thanks in advance

Posted: 1 May 2009 8:45 am
by Cliff Kane
Hi Francis,
I'm surprised that there hasn't been more response as this is a popular pedal with pedal steel players. If you do a forum search you will find a lot of comments on this pedal. I have had one for a couple of weeks, and it's a good, useful pedal. It is not the greatest sounding reverb or delay in the world, but it's okay. It sounds digital, but not horribly digital, it just doesn't sound very analog if you like that. The plate reverb is usable, the others sound too digital to me. The delay is a really basic digital delay, with a max time of 2 seconds. For my tastes, I prefer my amps' spring reverb, and I prefer some of the other delays and echos that I have, mainly my tape echo and my Ibanez analog delay pedal, but the RV-3 is a decent double-duty plug-it-in-and-you're-set kind of pedal. I think if you need a pedal for reverb and you need a pedal for delay this would be a good option. If you already reverb that you like there may be better sounding and more versatile delays out there. If you already have a delay that you like you may find a better sounding reverb pedal. But for a nice little combo pedal this is okay. People say that Lloyd Green uses one and that his setting are something like: Mode 7; Balance @ 8 o'clock; Feed back at 10 o'clock; Reverb Time @ 1 o'clock. This setting makes a moderate delay going into a plate reverb. I like this pedal best for trippy sound effect with my recorder: it will do some pretty wacky things, too. For the $100 I paid for mine I'm satisfied. It's a nice looking pedal. People say the RV-2 has a better tone, but that pedal does not have a battery compartment, but it's best to run a pedal like this off of an AC power supply anyway. Berhinger makes a clone of it for not too much money.

Posted: 1 May 2009 10:17 am
by Michael Douchette
If you do a forum search you will find a lot of comments on this pedal.
Probably why there hasn't been many replies...

Posted: 3 May 2009 8:06 pm
by Casey Lowmiller

Some where on to forum, there is a thread about RV-3 settings. There are many, many opinions on what sounds best. A lot of the people tend to use the settings that Lloyd Green used with his RV-3.

If you find that thread that mentions the Lloyd Green'll be right in the neighborhood of good settings. Then, just tweak until it is to your liking.

These are simple & fairly reliable pedals. The copies made by Behringer aren't too bad either. They are cheaper to purchase than an old RV-3. They are the Behringer DR-400.
