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Who all has web sites?

Posted: 1 Apr 2009 6:55 pm
by Ray Montee
If you have a web site, and you haven't done this previously, might you be willing to post your web site for we other steel players to envy and admire.

I've been using MS Front Page but seem to have outgrown

I've been looking at DreamMaker........ would that be a realistic way to go, since I'm not a real web geek kinda guy?

Let's see what you've done.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 3:13 am
by Gene Jones
My website is also FRONTPAGE and it's getting kind of "long in the tooth". I don't have enough interest to design another one in a new format so I'll probably take it down before long.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 4:19 am
by Hook Moore
listed below...

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 4:34 am
by Tony Prior

no charge !


Web Site

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 5:09 am
by Jaclyn Jones

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 5:35 am
by Drew Howard
Sites I built and maintain that are steel guitar related.

Also past sites for Rains and WC Edgar.

Ray, do you mean "Dreamweaver"?

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 7:35 am
by Mike Perlowin

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 8:15 am
by Walter Stettner

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 10:15 am
by Jonathan Cullifer

Did some PHP tricks and generally coded the page by hand.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 10:27 am
by Danny Naccarato
As below :)

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 12:30 pm
by Geoff Barnes
made with Dreamweaver...but also in need of an update.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 2:24 pm
by Jack Stoner
I'm still using FP 2003 but I would like to migrate to the web software my web host (bluehost) makes available to customers. But it's a "roundtuit" project.

I have my own web site and also host the Florida Steel Guitar Club's web site on my site.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 2:52 pm
by Richard Sinkler
I just bought my domain name and haven't finshed anything to put up yet, but I will soon. I used Frontpage in the past but I guess it's "old" technology, non-standards compliant and more and more web hosts aren't supporting the Frontpage Extensions (which I heard Microsoft doesn't even support any more)

I recently got Adobe CS4 Web Premium Suite, which is based around dreamweaver (includes Acrobat 9, Photoshop CS4, Illustrator CS4, Flash CS4 and more. I am planning on web design as the area for my job retraining from my back injury workers comp retraining program.

Dreamweaver is pretty much the industry standard from everything I read on the internet.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 3:48 pm
by Bobby Bowman

Web Site

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 4:09 pm
by Bill Stroud
This will do for now.

Bobby Bowman email me and fill me in on your new G2 Mullen.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 4:32 pm
by Mark van Allen
Hey, Ray, I use a very easy program which can go as deep as you want called Sitespinner. I really like the integrated publishing functionality, you just need a host and the Sitespinner program.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 6:01 pm
by Fred Justice

Steel Guitarist Web Sites......................

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 7:07 pm
by Ray Montee
I'd just like to thank each and everyone of you for an interesting and exciting journey into your musical backgrounds.

Your web pages are as unique as is your playing.....

Geoff......Your Emmons is identical to mine. Glad to learn that there is another in this BIG Wide World that looks the same.

THANKS for sharing with 'us'. Hopefully, others among you will also share your sites with the klan.

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 7:17 pm
by Joe Turner
Here's my web site

Posted: 2 Apr 2009 8:55 pm
by Dave Van Allen
URL's in my

created primarily from raw HTML coding in text editor.
I may decide to revamp it with a graphic interface webtool some year, but it's been pretty "set it /forget it" for many years now. I can add simple stuff- I don't need a lot of flash (pun intended) :lol:

Posted: 3 Apr 2009 12:37 am
by CrowBear Schmitt

Posted: 3 Apr 2009 3:03 am
by David Wright

Posted: 3 Apr 2009 4:19 am
by Bill Moore
Mine is pretty elementary.

Posted: 3 Apr 2009 5:27 am
by Tomi Graso
Hello All,

Mine is


Posted: 5 Apr 2009 4:52 am
by Don Sulesky
Here's my new web site.