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Author Topic:  Mac OS & ProTools (old LE) and Digi001 interface
Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jun 2009 11:05 pm    
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(Should have posted this here instead of under "Computers"...)

Install OS on hard drive that ProTools is installed on?

I've got my old G4 MDD decommissioned from everyday/Internet use and am going to use it for ProTools (and perhaps other things.) I've kept one of the old hard drives (with all the essential programs, etc.) and added a second 500 GB internal HD where ProTools will be installed. I also have a slightly antiquated Digi 001 interface with PT LE.

This Mac has OS 10.3.9 on the main HD. I've been told I'd also need to install it on the HD where ProTools resides. Well and good, but I can't find the 10.3.5 disk and 10.3.9 upgrade disc. (10.3.9 is the highest OS that can run PT software that works with the Digi 001 interface--ie., 6.4 LE or below.)

Is installing OS 10.3.9 so essential that I should I bite the bullet and buy another set of OS 10.3.9 discs? (Or thoroughly tear up the house?)
"Gopher, Everett?"
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David Winfrey


Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2009 2:35 am    
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Digidesign says that PTLE should be installed on the system drive and your audio files should be saved to a separate (preferably external firewire) hard drive. Why not just install PTLE on the existing system drive? I'd also recommend cleaning off any extraneous and non-essential files from your system drive. Try to keep it as much of a dedicated music computer as possible.
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 13 Jun 2009 11:20 pm     Re: Mac OS & ProTools (old LE) and Digi001 interface
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"I also have a slightly antiquated Digi 001 interface with PT LE.
Is installing OS 10.3.9 so essential that I should I bite the bullet and buy another set of OS 10.3.9 discs? (Or thoroughly tear up the house?)"

Dave is right. Install PT on your system drive, and use any secondary drive or external (firewire etc.) as your target for recording audio files.
Im running Logic Studio on G5 (OSX10.5.7) with a MOTU 828 now, but I also have an old G4 running OS 9! The Digi 001 works perfectly with Logic 6 and Pro Tools 5.1 LE. I havent used it in a while, but the old "if it aint broke, dont fix it" mentality fits here. Maybe I'll set it up out in the garage and use it for live drum tracking?
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2009 9:39 pm    
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What the other boy's have suggested is great advice but I'd like to add one point. Does Apple still make available the older OS disks? Now I haven't tried to buy any but I'm told that Apple tries to discourage installing older OS' just to make sure they sell the newer ones but there's probably an avenue to purchase the older Os' especially for systems that won't run the newer OS'.

Anyway you will have a nice little system and make lot's of good recordings. There have been plenty of master recordings done on those systems back in the day.

I was away for Mac's for several years and it just happens that way back when I was in to Mac's before I had to switch those systems were top dog! I'm back to Mac and loving it. I only switched due to my job requiring me to do stuff at home on a PC so I just retired my old Mac which was high tech it was a 1st generation G4 sawtooth with ........ are you ready for this????? a 450 MHZ processor LOL and 512 mb ram:-) Good luck..

Big Bob
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Steve Hinson


Hendersonville Tn USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2009 5:23 am    
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...+1 on the 001/Mac combo...don't sell it can do a lot of stuff with it!
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