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Author Topic:  Boss Midi drum editor free download
Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 2 Apr 2009 3:35 am    
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If you have a Micro BR tiny 4 tracker, Br900 or Br600,it has a drum editor contained within.

The above free download states that it is for the BR900 and BR600 but the Micro BR is the same drum editor, heck maybe more Boss units. Download the editor, plug in the Boss unit with the USB and you are in business. It's a very nice program, very intuitive and BIG , unlike the tiny little screen on the pocket sized MicroBR which I have.

Fascinating, of course you need one of the Boss recorders as a host, but you can import any midi file from any source once connected. This may very well be the easiest drum editor I have seen, and it is free ! Too easy in fact ! If you are using BIAB, convert to midi and drop it into this neat little editor and really clean up those hokey fills, create your own, save it, send it to Reaper, Sonar, Cubase etc, whatever and use the on board VST's to clean it up and bring it home. Also select from several drums sets,pads, tones, velocities etc.

I had no idea that this even existed until I read a note over on the Tele forum.

If you like simple and have limited resources, this is very neat. But you do have to have one of the Boss products for the host connection.

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John Gould

Houston, TX Now in Cleveland TX
Post  Posted 2 Apr 2009 5:48 am    
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Hey Tony there is also a free program for moving audio files back and forth to specific tracks. It's called BRWC I've used it to move tracks around and process them in a computer and move them back to the BR. Also it gives you a different way to back up songs with the tracks all together.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 2 Apr 2009 6:38 am    
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Hey John, I did see that but was not sure what it was. I do not use the Micro BR for any actual 4 track recording , I use it for a multitude of other things but not tracking. The program looks very cool for those that do use these 4 trackers , Boss is really ahead of the curve with this stuff especially for offering it at no charge to users.

Where was all of this stuff in 1969 ?

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