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Need help Sick Nashville 400

Posted: 14 Mar 2009 6:48 pm
by Ralph Paulin
My NV 400 is in a split case,been working great for the last 7 or 8 yrs. The power head &Reverb are seperate from the speaker in a smaller cabinate, I was playing at home a few nights ago and got a loud buzz like a power hum. I hit it with my fist and it worked , this happened numorus times, I took it apart and checked every thing , starting with the reverb, power head ,found a loose solder connection on the output for the speaker thought that was it,wrong ,now it hums and I hit it and it goes away for a while And lost the good sound that I had. Would appreciate any input. thanx "Ralph"

Posted: 15 Mar 2009 2:12 am
by Jack Stoner
First, "reseat" ALL the Molex Connectors, inside and the reverb Molex. Reseat - with the unit powered off (and power cord not plugged into AC) unplug each Molex connector then plug back in.

Actually, leave the unit out of the case and plug in (and plug the speaker in) and then CAREFULLY because there is power, wiggle each Molex connector and cables and see if you can recreate the hum.

The Reverb Molex is a prime cause some of that and if you get the hum and you turn the Reverb to zero and it goes away that will confirm it's the Reverb connection.

If reseating doesn't fix it, and you isolate it to one or more of the Molex connectors, you will need to get some electronic "contact cleaner", such as De-Oxit, and spray both the male and female pins.

Posted: 15 Mar 2009 4:51 am
by Ralph Paulin
Thank you Jack , I tried some of what you mentioned ,but overlooked a couple of items, I have had reverb problems in the past I will try what you suggested thanks again "Ralph

Sick Nv 400 Fully recovered please cancel

Posted: 15 Mar 2009 3:16 pm
by Ralph Paulin
:D thanks Jack tne spray did the trick , as of 4 years ago from winter haven. "Ralph

Posted: 15 Mar 2009 4:30 pm
by Jack Stoner
Thanks for the feedback and that it's fixed.

What possessed you to leave Florida for the cold north? 8)

Posted: 16 Mar 2009 1:01 pm
by Ralph Paulin
Jack : Family, And we got wiped out in the three hurricanes a few years ago. "Ralph"

Sick NV 400 Fixed please cancel

Posted: 16 Mar 2009 1:11 pm
by Ralph Paulin
Nv 400 all better please delite this thread.