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Stephen Abruzzo


Philly, PA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2009 10:41 am    
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I didn't want to hijack the Magnatone kind of pickups are in the Magnatone 70 lap steels and what kind of sound do you get out of them?
I heard/saw a guy on YouTube named ResoJoe and he played some blues on a Magnatone "Ameriloha" and it sounded like it just came out of the swamp. Absolutely, "perfect" sounding lap steel.
He ran it thru his Fender Blues Jr. I can supply the link later if anyone wants it. Just can't access YouTube in work. aha
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2009 11:04 am    
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The PU's are completely different from each other, per the two models.

With the right amp, a similar model, the G65, PU's can sound great. The are lacking in big bottom, but the amp setting can mostly help make up for that. The focus is on the mid ranges. This may be due to a degree because of differing electronics at the controls, caps, etc. could be drastically different from other models.
I'll qualify that statement to the fact that I owned only one, never seeing or hearing another, and this is how that particular guitar fared. For me, it didn't have the guts I prefer.

To be clear, I'm differenciating between the mentioned Ameriloha and the G65 models.

Last edited by Ron Whitfield on 10 Mar 2009 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 10 Mar 2009 11:14 am    
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The G65 and G70 have the same pickups. I think the G70 sounds a lot better, though. It is a lot lighter than the G65, which is solid walnut and is pretty heavy. The G70 is made of who knows what and is covered in pearloid and is feather light and very resonant, with excellent bass. Tonally, it can get fairly beefy--similar to a Rickenbacher, but without a lot of the top end sheen.
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