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Allen Staron


Kent, Ohio
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 12:22 pm    
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I have a blown speaker and would like to know my options for replacing it.

I am kind of a newbie, actually bought my steel and rackmount system about 9 years ago but got out of learning to play. I bought the speakers new; a pair of genz-benz cabinets loaded with BW 15". I hooked it all back up recently and get no sound from one of my speakers. I did a test with a 9-volt battery so I know a speaker is bad.

My question is it possible to get a new speaker to load into the cabinet or is that not possible or feasible to match the speaker in the other cabinet? (I am correct in assuming Peavey has changed the models of speakers in 9 years?)

If it's not feasible to get the speaker replaced, what are my options for getting a new pair?

(If I can't get the repair, I would like to get something new that will be under warranty.)

I see several steel amps out there but info isn't so clear for speakers for a rackmount system.

I have a Lexicon processor and a Walker Stereo Steel combo unit so I really would like stick with the rackmount and speakers instead of getting an amp.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Tony Glassman

The Great Northwest
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 12:32 pm    
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Are you sure both channel volumes are turned up? If one is turned off then no signal is delivered to the speaker.
Turn off the amp and try switching the speaker wires Turn it back on, if the same speaker remains silent, you've eliminated a problem with either the amp or speaker cord.......Check the wires going to the speaker terminals for any breaks.....Check the speaker with an ohm-meter too.

You can always replace, if not re-cone a speaker it it's blown. I think you can still get 1501 BW replacement baskets, that will just bolt on to the magnet assembly.

Give Gerry Walker (@ Walker Stereo Steel) a call. He's a great guy and a good resource. He'll put you on the right path.

Last edited by Tony Glassman on 23 Feb 2009 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 23 Feb 2009 12:35 pm    
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Peavey has been using the 1501-4 (4 ohms) Black Widow speaker for almost 20 years in Steel Guitar amps (later Nashville 400's, Nashville 1000 and Session 2000) and in extension speakers for Steel Guitar. I suspect that is what is in the speaker cabs you have. If it is, you can order a 1501-4 "Basket" from your local Peavey dealer and replace it yourself. The Magnet is bolted on to the basket and you remove the Magnet and reuse it with the new basket.
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