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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 12:02 pm    
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Is anyone hip to these? Anybody using one for steel?

I was checking out Brent Mason's My Space, and he is an endorser. Okay, it's being endorsed by one of my favorite guitar players. Then when I checked out the web page from the manufacturer, I see in the verbiage that one of my favorite steel players, Dan Dugmore (who is apparently not a Forum member) is mentioned as a user of this pedal.

These things can be had from some of the on-line music suppliers for around $140.

Here's the web page:
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 12:12 pm    
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That could allow me to use both feet on the pedals without 'whomping' the volume when I get back onto the volume pedal. I know I should just practice the move more but it seems like this could take years off the process. I'd prefer one with a digital/numerical readout, though, since it might be hard, on the fly, to see which light is lit up on this pedal.
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Roger Crawford

Griffin, GA USA
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 1:30 pm    
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It looks like the height of the pedal would be obtrusive and make it uncomfortable to use. It's always hard to tell from a picture. And as Mr. Cohen states, how are we going to see the LED's with it undre the guitar?
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Stu Schulman

Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 1:40 pm    
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Dan Dugmore also play guitar,This might not be the one he uses on steel...It looks a little high to me? Whoa!
Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952.
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Ben Strano

Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 3:22 pm    
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I have seen Dan use the visual sound on steel. I have also seen him use a Ernie Ball VP Jr. and a Hilton I think... even a bigsby(?) a time or two. I think he just grabs whatever is closest. If you are that good... I guess you can do that.

Dan's guitar set up is normally... well... guitar straight into amp. Sometimes a pedal gets individually plugged in if he needs to.

IMHO there isn't a better guitar player than Dan... it's always just right. If you want blazing speed look elsewhere but if you want killer parts done with killer vibe and tone. Dan's your man.
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Mark Eaton

Sonoma County in The Great State Of Northern California
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 4:04 pm    
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OK, Ben, you've actually seen Dan use the thing.

Thanks, Stu, I'm aware that Dan is a long-time regular guitar player, and yes, right off, it does appear like it could be a little high.

I need a pedal, and what I really want is a Hilton, but times being what they are combined with kids in college, I have a much lower budget these days.

What appealed to me about this Visualsound isn't even so much the lighting thing on the side, but it's the "innards." The technology seems to be a different deal than the standard string/pot Goodrich or any number of other pedals. I'm not an unhandy guy, but dinking around with scratchy pots on the traditional style volume pedal is just one more thing that I don't have time for, so this Visualsound intrigued me.
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Stu Schulman

Ulster Park New Yawk (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 Feb 2009 10:56 pm    
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Mark,I would give it a try,It may be the coolest pedal ever?Ya' don't know until you try it Winking Winking Winking
Steeltronics Z-pickup,Desert Rose S-10 4+5,Desert Rose Keyless S-10 3+5... Mullen G2 S-10 3+5,Telonics 206 pickups,Telonics volume pedal.,Blanton SD -10,Emmons GS_10...Zirctone bar,Bill Groner Bar...any amp that isn't broken.Steel Seat.Com seats...Licking paint chips off of Chinese Toys since 1952.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 17 Feb 2009 5:43 am    
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That could allow me to use both feet on the pedals without 'whomping' the volume when I get back onto the volume pedal. I know I should just practice the move more...

One other thing you might do is use a volume pedal that stays exactly where you put it, the first time - and every time. Wink
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Ulf Edlund

Umeå, Sweden
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2009 1:55 pm    
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As one gasses the pedal, the LED’s light, giving one a visual indication of where one’s gain level is. Brilliant! Musicians everywhere now can simply look down to see where their volume level is.

Wow, now i can finally see how loud i am Rolling Eyes
1983 Emmons D10 SKH, Carter SD10, Nashville 112, Session 500, ProfexII, Lapsteels, GT-Beard reso, guitars of all kinds...
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2009 2:02 pm    
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[quote="Donny Hinson"]
One other thing you might do is use a volume pedal that stays exactly where you put it, the first time - and every time. Wink

I think both my pedals do that. The problem is operator error...
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2009 1:09 pm    
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Jim Cohen wrote:
I think both my pedals do that. The problem is operator error...

See page 127 of the instruction manual that came with your thumb pick. Everything is explained there. Winking
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Ulf Edlund

Umeå, Sweden
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2009 1:16 pm    
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I bought my thumbpick used so i didn't get the manual with it. Oh Well
1983 Emmons D10 SKH, Carter SD10, Nashville 112, Session 500, ProfexII, Lapsteels, GT-Beard reso, guitars of all kinds...
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