The NTSGA "SuperJam" last night was another great sucess. We had a super bunch of pickers and was not deterred at all by the GOO starting up their mid-week show at Opryland. The photo above (one of many) is of a killer player,Mr.Russ Hicks and his super singer/wife,Laney. The lead guitar player partly hidden is the great Ed Cinaday. Many of us have heard Russ play on a number of smash hits. This last set was capped off with a number of tunes by Laney,who rippd thru songs one would have thought only "Connie Smith" could do. Truly,we had the cream of the crop with this set. (Not to say that other sets,with Joan & Johnny Cox,and other great players lacked in any way in the Steel venue.)
Other photos can be seen at:
[This message was edited by Bill Crook on 14 June 2001 at 01:35 PM.]