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Author Topic:  Computer Recording without a USB port?
Kevin Holmes


Lower Paxton, PA USA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2009 11:38 am    
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I've been playing around with an 8 track Fostex and have been thinking of trying computer recording.

It seems that it might be easier to get a decent end product than with a standalone recorder.

The computer I have to use is an old Toshiba laptop. It's only got 16megs of RAM, and no USB Port.

Can something this old be used to record? I think it'll run Reaper as it's got Windows 98 SE on it.

Any ideas?


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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2009 11:52 am    
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I doubt seriously that you will be able to do anything with that PC, even if it had a USB port. How much hard drive space does it have? You need approximately 10 mb of hard drive space for 1 minute of a wav file or 40 mb just for a 4 minute song (and a recording program file is bigger). I know hard drives in those old laptops were also very small.

That PC is a good candidate for the bottom of the Susquehanna. Cool

Although I'm migrating to computer based recording, I have a big enough PC to do it with (Quad Processor, 4GB RM, etc).

I also have a Fostex VF160 and it has facilities to do internal mixes, add effects, etc. If the 8 track has those capabilites stay with that until you can get a PC with more modern hardware, including memory, hard drive, etc. Even if the PC had a USB port and a built in sound card you would still need some externally connected recording interface, along with a recording program, etc.
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