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Bryan Adams

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 4:14 am
by Ben ODell
After a long dry-spell, my dear old friend, "BRYAN ADAMS" has got him a new computer, and back up a runnin.

Don't think he has his email set up just yet but, watches the forum pretty close.

In talking to Bryan the other day, he indicated he still has a good supply of his CD's available, that need a happy home.

Now would be a great opportunity to latch on to an album by one of the "GREATEST STEEL PLAYERS" around.

Just drop a little contact info on this post and I'm sure ole Bryan will get back you, shortly there-after.

He's all snuggled up in that sub-zero weather they are having up in the hills, but as I understand, that ole steel is still "HOT",,,,,,,,,LITTERLY !!

Ben-Jamin O'Dell

hey Ben

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 10:38 am
by Mike Archer
Ben I AGREE ole Bryan is the best!!

and you are so right his cds are wonderfull!!

and he has great tracks too

also hes the PP man if you need any repairs

changes or overhauls he also does the

emmons all pulls too And he also is a new

george-L dealer as well Mike :D

Bryan Adams

Posted: 17 Jan 2009 12:17 pm
by Don Drummer
Many years ago Mr. Adams did some work on my PP at the Burlington factory. It was the mid 80's in May and very, very hot. He worked and talked and I felt like somebody special because of him. At the time he had some master tapes he had recorded but seemed ambivalent about following through with the project. Glad to hear he did it. Don D.

Brian Adams

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 10:23 am
by Gary Steele
Brian is absolutely Fabulous. I love his style. I'v heard buy many that there is no better anywhere on the Push Pull Emmons
repairs and setup.
Gary Steele.

Posted: 18 Jan 2009 4:15 pm
by Tony Dingus
Bryan's a prince for sure. The first time I heard him play, he shared the stage with Mike Sweeney and they blowed the walls down with their C6 and melted your heart with the E9. The only Emmons I ever owned was a pp built by Bryan. Wish I still had it. Love you Bryan. Be up to see you one day and I'll bring Archer with me. We'll have a ball.


Posted: 18 Jan 2009 7:55 pm
by Jerry Roller
Yep, Bryan is a great player and also a great mechanic. This afternoon at a Church concert I played my push pull that he built for me in '81. It is still a tremendous guitar. Bryan also taught me much about the mechanics of the push pull guitar.
Thanks Bryan, give me your email address when you get it going.

Posted: 20 Jan 2009 4:42 am
by Larry Jenkins
These tracks are very inspiring to play steel guitar with as well as other instruments. Something any musician would be proud to own. I think Bryan is the best. Larry

Come to think of it

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 4:36 am
by Ben ODell
come to think of it:

Tha "DOG" lover Bryan has some gospel stuff he is working on and, like the rest, I'm sure it's gonna be A SUPER ALBUM.

You folks that know Bryan well,,,,, get him to tell you, my favorite, all time, cadillac story, which involves a knockin cadillac engine and the alternator bracket,,,,,,"WHEN YOU CALL TO PLACE THE ORDER ON ONE OF THEM GREAT ALBUMS".

When you hear that story, you'll go ahead and buy-um all.


Ben-Jamin "O"

Posted: 22 Jan 2009 9:33 am
by Bobbe Seymour
I have to echo all the great things posted here about Brian, Top notch guy in every way.


Posted: 24 Jan 2009 5:22 am
by Ben ODell

:D :D :D


Posted: 24 Jan 2009 6:47 am
by Billy Knowles
I totally agree with everything said. Bryan is a great player and also there is no one alive today that has built or worked on more P/Ps than Bryan. He is the master when it comes to P/Ps. When he finishes one it is perfect in every way. Bryan has a masters degree in P/Ps. In addition he is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I consider it an honor to know him. His knowledge on P/Ps and why and how they work is endless. I am restoring one now and when I think I have finished it I am going to take it to Bryan to tweek.


Posted: 27 Jan 2009 9:57 pm
by james sluder
Brian has some great cd's and some great tracks to play along with ! Anyone looking for some great steel music or tracks should contact him ! I have several and i really have not found none better!
I have been finding some of his pretty licks & working them out,,,but don't tell him im steeling his licks :lol: !!,,, As all have said he is a great guy & im glad to know him as a friend !!!



Posted: 29 Jan 2009 8:21 am
by Jerry Meek
Brian also has some of the best tracks to play along with I have heard. I have all his stuff unless he has done something after his 04 Project. Jerry

Bryan Is the Man

Posted: 29 Jan 2009 6:08 pm
by Harold Parris
I've communicated with Bryan several times over the last few years. He is a great guy and one heck of a picker. I've never met him but look forward to the day when I can sit down and hear him pick in person. A man has got to have a lots of "soul" to play as good as Bryan does.

blast from the past

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 5:57 am
by Doug Palmer
Hey Brian, when you get eMail drop me a line. A lot of catching up to do. Have some P/P parts you might want. Bell cranks coming soon!


Posted: 31 Jan 2009 5:19 pm
by Tony Dingus
Picked with Bryan today and he sure had that pushpull smokin'! Don't get no better.


Get It Workin

Posted: 2 Feb 2009 1:36 am
by Ben ODell
:D Hey B.A................

Got an email (via this post) from a player wanting some work done on his P/P. Post a number or git yo mail working,,,,,,,,,,HOOVER SAID SO.

Ben-Jamin O'Dell
(3rd row back)

Contact Info

Posted: 3 Feb 2009 3:14 am
by Ben ODell
I've had several contacts, (via) email, regarding this post, and yesterday,,,, I talked to Bryan up there in them thar hills.

During that conversation, tha boy solved a "BIG" problem for me and I'll throw this in here also.

Bryan is also a "GEORGE L" dealer, and if you having trouble finding special cables, etc, he can fix you right up.

You know,,,, like those 90 degree cables that are so hard to find,,,,,,,,,, "WELL...........GOOD-UNS". He a building me a purty red-un with stress relief. Bryan said in about 5 minutes, he'd have me fixed up with that cable I haven't been able to locate in 20 years. JUST LIKE I WANTED IT !!!!

Bryan Phone Number :arrow: :arrow: 423- 727- 6093

And as we were talking yesterday, Bryan told me it was snowing blue blazes up there, and he was snuggled in, and would stay that way. Meaning,,,, he should be around the phone for the next few days. If not, just leave a message, and he'll get right back with you.

Don't miss out on those great tracks and albums Bryan has avaiable when you talk to him.

Ben-Jamin O'Dell

Bump !!!

Posted: 8 Feb 2009 4:14 am
by Ben ODell

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 10:35 am
by Dave Diehl
Just got a Push Pull back from a Bryan Adams rework. I had some changes added and a rebuild of the undercarriage and it looks great and I didn't know it could play so smooth. I was TOTALLY happy with the outcome. He is everything all of you guys said on these Push Pulls.

Thanks Ben for the help.

Bout My "BUD"

Posted: 12 Mar 2009 3:10 am
by Ben ODell welcome Dave.

I had no doubt you'd be happy with his work. Glad it worked out for you, and hope he left some of them licks on there, while he was tuning it up.

I wouldn't wipe it down,,,, just in case he did. Ha !!!!!

Ben-Jamin "O"

Emmons Push Pull

Posted: 12 Mar 2009 6:22 pm
by Mark Wade
:D Hi Brian,
I still have the Black Emmons d10 I got from you after we met in Tampa Fl at the state fair. You were playing with Ava Barber at the time in the late 70's if I remember right. I remember playing it with the band between one of the shows, after returning home the check was in the mail. I would never sell this one I have played other guitars but it's kinda of like your favorite recliner nothing else feels right.

Thanks for hooking me up with this one.
