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Author Topic:  A Gathering of Resonateurs in PA July 3-8 2001
Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 1 May 2001 10:40 am    
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As received by me:

Greetings from John and Margaret Dopyera!

Last July we had a gathering of resonateurs at our home in northwestern Pennsylvania. We enjoyed it and those who attended seemed to have a great time - so we are planning a second gathering this summer. The specific dates this year are Tuesday, July 3rd to Sunday, July 8th - or any portion of that time. If you play or build or collect resonator instruments, you may be interested in coming. If you want more information about us and last year's gathering, look at our web site or call/write for more details. Or talk to someone who was here last year.

If you are interested in participating, it is important that you let us know how many days you will be with us, how many will be with you, and what kind of accommodations you will be needing - such as parking space for camper, tent site, a bunk in a lean-to, room inside house, and whatever special needs you have, if any. We have a great deal of inside space - but even more outside space for those who don't mind roughing it a bit.

We do not organize any particular kind of activity during the gathering other than giving folks who are here the opportunity to meet, socialize, pick, jam, eat, enjoy, network, have fun, exchange tips, etc. We are planning to invite local friends to join us on the fourth for an Independence Day party. If anything more organized than that happens, it will be because some of you who attend decide to do it.

There is no charge for participating in this gathering; donations will be appreciated to help cover costs of food and other supplies.

Unless you tell us otherwise, we will assume that your plans to attend will also mean that you plan to have meals with us. Last year, we somehow or other managed to have food available for all meals - and assume that will happen again. Of course, we had lots of willing helpers. We're planning on that kind of volunteer help again. Some people who love to cook might like to tell us in advance that they would be willing to take responsibility for planning, shopping, and preparing a specific meal for all present. We don't mind sharing our kitchen and also would appreciate being relieved of some of the cooking responsibilities.

When we hear that you are coming, we will send very specific directions.

John E. Dopyera and Margaret Lay-Dopyera
R.D. 1 Box148E
Grand Valley, PA 16420
(814) 436-7798

Brad's Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars

[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 01 May 2001 at 11:41 AM.]

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Boulder, Colorado
Post  Posted 1 May 2001 3:50 pm    
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Wow- Thanks for letting us know, Brad.
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