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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 30 Apr 2001 8:46 am    
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here is the E mail announcement for this thursdays gig:

Thursday, May 3 at 9:00 p.m. at The Den at Two Boots, 44 Avenue A (at East
3rd Street). As always, the cover is $8.00, which includes one drink.

--Bob Hoffnar & Jane Scarpantoni: Two of New York's most acclaimed players to
hover back and forth between the pop and avant-garde circuits with ease and
regularity wil be playing duets. Pedal steel player Hoffnar and cellist Scarpantoni (Lounge Lizards, R.E.M., Lou Reed) will perform original compositions by both artists, occasionally utilizing The
Den's projection system for simultaneous presentation of video art.

--Tom Brislin (from You Were Spiraling): Founder of New Jersey's wonderful
pop group You Were Spiraling and keyboardist for Meatloaf (the man/the
myth/the legend), will be playing his songs of love and lust on his own. Be
prepared for seemingly infinite hooks.

--Blaise Siwula & Dom Minasi: Two-thirds of the group Dialing Privileges will
be playing their own free jazz-inspired compositions, ranging in style from
"lyrical" to "scratchy." Siwula, who curates his own series at the Lower
East Side's ABC No Rio, will play alto saxophone, while Minasi will play
hollow body guitar.

--The High Canadiens: These Jersey City-based country-rock twangsters are
known for spillin' tales about love, abandonment, and other rich topics.
Their upcoming second album, "The Town's Already Dead," was recently recorded
in Athens, Georgia, and will prove the 4-member ensemble is, in fact, very
much alive.

The Den at Two Boots is located at 44 Avenue A in the East Village; the phone
number is (212) 254 - 3300. To get to Two Boots by subway, take the F train
to the Second Avenue exit, walk east to Avenue A. "The Den" is located in
between Two Boots Video and Two Boots Pizza at the NE corner of Avenue A &
East 3rd St.

Let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information--
hope to see you there.

Nova Social
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