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Help Please - Choosing E6 strings @ "JustStrings"

Posted: 6 Jan 2009 10:21 am
by Judson Bertoch
I'm giving a go with the Don Helms E6 tuning (and songbook from the b0b).

I searched the forum and read some threads on this - my conclusion is to go with what Rick Alexander has on his site under "tunings." 12-15-18-22-24-30. This lap is 22.5 scale.

So I went to JustStrings and didn't see a prepackages set with those gauges. Went to "Single Strings" and was overwhelmed.

12+ mfgrs and then many different types/winding/etc per mfgr.

Could folks please recommend some mfgr(s) and type of sting to get for my E6?


Posted: 6 Jan 2009 10:37 am
by Rich Hlaves
Just a suggestion. Why don't you email b0b here at the forum and have him put together a custom set(s) for you.

Service is great and you would be helping preserve this website in the process. Click on the "strings" tab on the top of the page.



Posted: 6 Jan 2009 1:24 pm
by Judson Bertoch
thanks for the suggestion Rich. b0b can indeed put together a set for me. I didn't know that was option available...

Now I can do all my strings as sets via b0b!

Posted: 6 Jan 2009 4:48 pm
by Rick Alexander
That's the way to go!
Free shipping, no extra charge for custom gauges - and b0b gets them out to you in record time!