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Farewell Party.......David Hartley.......Youtube......

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 9:14 am
by David Hartley
Dedicated to my dog 'Flash', who sadly died today..


Posted: 4 Jan 2009 9:29 am
by Charles Rodrigues
Sorry for your loss. Your feelings for "FLASH" were really expressed by the way you played Farewell Party.


Posted: 4 Jan 2009 9:35 am
by Bill Waskiewicz
Nice work David, as always, sorry about Flash. :(
Best Regards, Bill W. :)

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 9:57 am
by Brandin
I'm so sorry to hear about Flash. He looks like he was a very good dog. I'm sure he loved to listen to you play the steel guitar as much as we do.


Posted: 4 Jan 2009 10:09 am
by Jerry H. Moore
Goodnight Flash....Dogs have a special place in heaven. Believe it.

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 11:08 am
by Rick Campbell
Sorry to hear about Flash. RIP

Great playing as usual.

So sorry....

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 11:57 am
by Dick Sexton
I think the first time I heard one of your youtubes, Flash danced and was the hit of the video. Hard for even a great steel player to compete with a dancing Flash. David, I'm am truly saddened by your loss, he will be missed. Bless you...

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 12:04 pm
by John DeBoalt
So sorry to hear about Flash David. Loosing a pet is the same as loosing a family member. John

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 12:21 pm
by Bent Romnes
David...what a surprise video! I was enjoying all the feeling you were putting into the song when Flash came on the screen and that's when the tears came. You tugged at a few heart strings today.
Great work and lots of feeling on that one!!

So sorry to hear about Flash. He was young. Our Summer (Yellow Lab)is 15 and it is soon her time but we just can't seem to let her go...

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 2:18 pm
by Bob Carlucci
David.. I know i don't speak for myself only when I make this comment.. The first time I heard you play, I instantly considered you a world class player. With very few exceptions,you are as good a player as I have heard in my life.. That was just a gorgeous, heartfelt rendition,.. full of emotion, feeling and soul.. beautiful..
As an animal lover that has at 54 outlived many many beloved dogs, I know how heavy your heart is.. Flash left you way to soon,... I was really touched by the little guy's [or girl] pics during the song... When you feel up to it, maybe you can let us know what happened to Flash...all the best to you and yours... bob

Posted: 4 Jan 2009 8:37 pm
by Will Houston
Very beautiful, very sad. Flash is coooool!!!! glad I got to see him. I pictured my dog Blue also, had to put her to sleep last week, its tough.


Posted: 5 Jan 2009 10:40 am
by Bill Stroud
David I know your feeling we lost two of our dogs, a Yorkie (Dink) and a Sheppard (Cody) I know Flash ment a lot to you and a lot of company.
Great song and with feeling...


Posted: 5 Jan 2009 10:48 am
by Wayne Douglas
A very fine tribute to a close friend. W.D.


Posted: 5 Jan 2009 12:28 pm
by Victor Eaton
Ito was sorry to hear flash had passed away i will miss her not jumping into my car on arriving at your place she was never very far away when you were playing and just like the rest of us im sure she enjoyed it and she may not be far away in the future who knows.
regards vic .

Posted: 5 Jan 2009 7:00 pm
by Charles Curtis
David my friend, I'm so sorry you lost Flash.

Posted: 5 Jan 2009 7:41 pm
by Gary Stevenson
I swore that I wasn't going to get emotional.but having lost my 17 yr old Gert last year, I broke up at the sight of the pics. And its a beautiful rendition in honor of Flash :cry: :cry:

Posted: 6 Jan 2009 4:54 am
by Larry Behm
Hey Dave is this a Lloyd Green recording and you are just shooting the video to show where he played the various notes? >:-)

If you decided to really record your playing would you first record the song and get it perfect and then shoot the video? >:-)

I know these are sensitive questions but there is no way you can play with such great tone and so perfect live for the video. :twisted:


Great job on all of these YT's the Rains really speaks volumes.

You are the real deal, keep them coming.

Larry Behm

Hello Everyone

Posted: 6 Jan 2009 12:58 pm
by David Hartley
Thanks for all your comments and thoughts posted for Flash-Pup. It is very lonely around here at the moment without my little Mouser, Ratter, Rabbitter, Moler. Her favorite song used to be Brittany Spears' Womaniser. We used to sing it using the word Rabbittiser instead whenever it came on the radio. She liked that!

She died of menangitis. At first she was being treated for a failing liver which the blood tests showed and the xrays too. It all happened very suddenly. She was fine on the friday albeit having been on tablets and injections at the vets. She was running at the back fence barking at the horses as normal. On the Saturday morning, I came down to the kitchen and she was walking around bumping into walls, my legs and falling over etc. I took her immediately back to the vets where he thought she was having a very rare side effect to the anti-boitics. She was treated and came home. She didnt improve so I took her to the vet again and he took her home to moniter her condition over the Saturday night, Sadly, she died on the Sunday at around 9.45am. Very Sad. :(
She is with Bella now, (an Akita I had who got old and had to be put to sleep just over a year ago). I am sure they are running around together up there..

Anyway, It's a tough time here for me at the moment still, Moms just had a heart Operation and should have been home by now but there's minor complications there too, and Carolanne, my daughter, has spent many weeks in hospital recently too (since April in fact) she has been home for Christmas but has gone back in for a short time. Thats a long story...

Hey, things can only get better cant they?

LARRY.. This track was recorded in one take with no over dubs. I dont play this instrumental and never have done. Its just that I love Lloyds version, and while listening to it in the van while driving around, I was working out the licks in my head, thats how I always do it. YES, of course, I dont just come home and play it, I do have to spend a bit of time working out the positions where I think he may have played them. I know it still maybe not right too, but it sounds OK to me.

TUITIONAL DVD.. It is coming on, I am so fussy, and have changed my mind about things I want on it many times. I still have some tabbing to do which takes forever but it will be ready soon. I know how I want it, and I know you will all like it too when its done. It will benefit players of all standards. I an recording new backing tracks for it. Farewell Party will be my own version as close to the original one on the Revisited album. The one I am playing to in memory of Flash is by STEVE ALCOTT. He has some VERY fine tracks and if you don't already have them, BUY THEM..

My friend John Russell is coming home from Nashville today. (Flash loved him as she called him John Jack Russell).. He met a few steel guitarists over there while he was staying with Billy Yates including this guy?


Thanks again.

I WILL be in Dallas in March, and I have booked a room at the Millenium Hotel for Sept. too in St. Louis. I have never been to St. Louis and I think I should make it once in my life..

Many Regards,

David Hartley

Posted: 8 Jan 2009 6:27 pm
by Joe Drivdahl
I am so sorry to hear about Flash. That is so sad. He kind of reminded me of our Abby, an almost 2-year old Jack Russel Terrior. Man, she's like a daughter to me. I'd be devistated if she died. Nice memorial video though.

Anyway, beautiful job on one of my all time favorite songs, Farewell Party.

Sorry for you loss.
