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Author Topic:  MailWasher Pro - Recycle Bin?
Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2009 9:08 am    
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In MW Pro edition it says that deleted email to the recycle bin (It's recycle bin) can be restored to your email.

I mistakenly, today, deleted all email to the recycle bin. When I opened it up, there were 3 main buttons: show all, show deleted, restore email.

Show deleted was indented and could not be clicked on; restore email was grayed-out; and show all could be clicked on. Nothing was showing in the recycle screen until I clicked on 'show all'.

There was all the email I deleted. But there were no buttons or right clicks to restore them.

Does anyone else run MW Pro and have any insight in this? I know The Wiz is a Pro user.
Williams U-12 8X5; Keyless; Natural Blonde Laquer.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2009 11:40 am    
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When you delete messages in MailWasher, then open the Recycle Bin window, all deleted messages will be visible and restorable, if you have selected the option to use the Recycle Bin and have set up your correct SMTP email account to send to.

To restore a deleted message, open the Recycle Bin Window, find and highlight the message to be restored and the Restore Email button becomes active. Click on Restore Email and it will be sent to the email account you have setup in the Recycle Bin options. Close the Recycle Bin and check for incoming mail. Your restored message should appear.

If a message is deleted by a filter rule you will need to insert a "Restored by MailWasher" rule near the top of the Filters list.

There is a MailWasher forum at where you can register to post questions, or read the FAQ's. I am a member and frequent poster, having my own thread about MailWasher Pro Filters.

These discussions used to be hosted at CastleCops, which suddenly shut down on December 23.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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Chip Fossa


Monson, MA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2009 5:30 am    
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I just checked all my Recycle Options and all pertinent info is listed.

There was 1 email in the 'show deleted' window. I previously deleted it, but to test this out I hi-lited it and the 'restore' button came alive and I clicked it and the email was sent to

However, when I went to the 'show all' screen, I clicked on one of the emails and the 'restore' button remained grayed-out and non-functional. Oh Well
Williams U-12 8X5; Keyless; Natural Blonde Laquer.
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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2009 10:32 am    
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Chip Fossa wrote:
There was 1 email in the 'show deleted' window. I previously deleted it, but to test this out I hi-lited it and the 'restore' button came alive and I clicked it and the email was sent to

However, when I went to the 'show all' screen, I clicked on one of the emails and the 'restore' button remained grayed-out and non-functional. :\

Show All simply reveals all incoming email logged since you last cleared the MailWasher Pro Recycle Bin and logs. You can only restore email that you deleted with the program during that logging period. You cannot restore email not deleted in MailWasher itself, or after you clear the contents of its Recycle Bin.

If you don't get a lot of email every day, set the time to "keep Recycle Bin contents" for two weeks or more.

Sometimes, for mysterious reasons, when you try to restore a particular type of deleted email, it fails to be restored. It is possible to read these messages and see what is going wrong at the same time. Here's how....

With MailWasher open, click on Help > About. A version box will appear. At the bottom of this box there is a link to open the data folder where your personal settings, filters and message logs are stored, plus a checkbox to "Enable extended error logging to data directory." Check that option box, click on the link to the data files, then click OK, to close the About box.

Now try to restore one of the deleted messages that won't restore for you. After you get the little yellow pyramid error symbol, close MailWasher and look in the folder window you opened, with its data files. Change the view to Details. Sort by Last Modified, with the newest at the top (click on the Last Modified sort column twice if needed). You will see a file named "MailWasherPro_debug.txt" which contains all of the details of the accounts and restore attempts, failed and succeeded. Open that file and scroll down past your account and settings information until you see the message in question. It's actual raw contents will be included in the report.

When you are done reading these reports you may want to uncheck the extended logging, as it will begin to create a bunch of technical socket log files you only need when sending error reports to the company for analysis.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog
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